How to play Portal Revolution - Upcomer
A portal Revolution level, with a red laser, an orange portal
Image via Second Face Studios

How to play Portal Revolution

Portal Revolution is catching the attention of Portal fans around the world, but how do you download it, and is it free?

It’s been almost 13 years since we got our last official dose of Aperture Science puzzles, but with Portal Revolution, that itch can finally be scratched. Here’s how to install the Portal Revolution mod so you can get infuriated by difficult tasks and confusing quizzes once again.

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When I think of my early days of PC gaming, one of the franchises that shaped my early days was Portal. Developed by Valve themselves, the first Portal game was the first title I downloaded on Steam, and I quickly ran through it and its successor.

Unfortunately, that was back in 2011, and I’ve been craving a new Portal game ever since. While Valve seems intent on never developing a sequel again, modders have taken matters into their own hands and created Portal Revolution.

One of Portal Revolution's levels, with a big red button and an orange tree at the left hand side.
Portal Revolution will definitely confuse you. Image via Second Face Software

How to download Portal Revolution

To download Portal Revolution, all you need is an active Steam account that owns Portal 2. If you have this in place:

  1. Go to Portal Revolution‘s Steam page
  2. Add it to your library by clicking the green “Install Now” button.
  3. The game will then be added to your Library, which you can then download and play.

Is Portal Revolution free?

Yes, Portal Revolution is free to download, which is great news for Portal fans.

There is a catch though, as you do need to own Portal 2 to download the mod. Thankfully, Portal 2 is 90% off on Steam right now, so you can pick it up for just $0.99 USD.

Do you need Portal 2 installed to play Portal Revolution?

No, you don’t need to have Portal 2 installed to play Portal Revolution, it just needs to be in your library.

I thought this may have been an issue when I downloaded Portal Revolution, but I have tested it and can confirm that I don’t have Portal 2 installed, but played through the first five rooms of Revolution without any issues.

Is Portal Revolution an official Portal game?

No, Portal Revolution is not an official entry into the series. Developed by Second Face Studios, Revolution is a mod set in the Portal universe, but uses all the same tricks and features you’ve become used to, such as the Portal Gun and the Companion Cube.
