There are some terms in Infinite Craft that you’ll simply stumble upon while playing the game. Infinity is not one of these.
Given the complex nature of this word, it isn’t surprising that you basically can’t unlock it unless you know what to do, and are solely looking to head down that path. For those who really want it unlocked here is what you need to know.
Making Infinity in Infinite Craft
Making Infinity in Infinite Craft is harder than any other word. From our testing we couldn’t find any way to get the term, however, thanks to Infinite Craft Solver we do have a solution. But it is ridiculously long.
There are more than 400 steps to this solution, but if you want to unlock the term Infinity it seems like something that you need to do. The good news is that you’re going to unlock a lot of new terms along the way, so it might be beneficial just to have more things available.
Here is the method to get from a fresh Infnite Craft game to Infinity:
- Water + Wind = Wave
- Fire + Wind = Smoke
- Earth + Water = Plant
- Fire + Water = Steam
- Earth + Wind = Dust
- Water + Wave = Tsunami
- Plant + Smoke = Incense
- Plant + Wave = Seaweed
- Earth + Steam = Mud
- Smoke + Wind = Cloud
- Dust + Earth = Planet
- Plant + Water = Swamp
- Wave + Wind = Storm
- Dust + Fire = Ash
- Dust + Wind = Sandstorm
- Smoke + Water = Fog
- Smoke + Wave = Surf
- Fire + Steam = Engine
- Earth + Fire = Lava
- Dust + Plant = Pollen
- Incense + Tsunami = Poseidon
- Mud + Seaweed = Mudweed
- Cloud + Earth = Rain
- Planet + Water = Ocean
- Plant + Swamp = Venus Flytrap
- Earth + Storm = Tornado
- Ash + Seaweed = Kelp
- Fog + Sandstorm = Dust Storm
- Storm + Surf = Surfer
- Engine + Wind = Windmill
- Plant + Steam = Tea
- Earth + Wave = Sand
- Earth + Plant = Tree
- Plant + Wind = Dandelion
- Earth + Lava = Stone
- Earth + Planet = Moon
- Earth + Engine = Tractor
- Plant + Pollen = Flower
- Earth + Tsunami = Island
- Engine + Swamp = Train
- Engine + Seaweed = Submarine
- Mudweed + Poseidon = Squid
- Ocean + Rain = Sea
- Tornado + Venus Flytrap = Funnel Cake
- Dust Storm + Kelp = Tumbleweed
- Planet + Sandstorm = Mars
- Mud + Surfer = Muddy
- Tea + Windmill = Dutch
- Sand + Tea = Sandwich
- Tree + Windmill = Paper
- Dandelion + Plant = Weed
- Ash + Stone = Statue
- Moon + Mud = Cheese
- Fog + Tractor = Tractor Beam
- Fire + Lava = Volcano
- Flower + Tractor = Lawnmower
- Earth + Island = Continent
- Island + Train = Ferry
- Submarine + Tractor = Tank
- Sea + Squid = Kraken
- Funnel Cake + Swamp = Gator
- Mars + Tumbleweed = Mars Rover
- Dutch + Muddy = Clog
- Train + Wind = Zephyr
- Paper + Sandwich = Wrapper
- Engine + Planet = Saturn
- Incense + Swamp = Mosquito
- Tractor + Weed = Hay
- Cheese + Statue = Mouse
- Earth + Tree = Forest
- Steam + Tsunami = Titanic
- Cloud + Seaweed = Sushi
- Tractor Beam + Tumbleweed = Cowboy
- Engine + Venus Flytrap = Carnivore
- Dandelion + Volcano = Fireworks
- Continent + Lawnmower = America
- Cloud + Planet = Sky
- Incense + Mud = Perfume
- Ferry + Mars = Martian
- Continent + Tank = Tanktop
- Gator + Kraken = Gatorade
- Clog + Mars Rover = Curiosity
- Wrapper + Zephyr = Candy
- Mosquito + Saturn = Saturn V
- Sand + Wind = Dune
- Fog + Planet = Venus
- Dandelion + Tea = Wine
- Hay + Tornado = Straw
- Forest + Mouse = Squirrel
- Planet + Submarine = UFO
- Sushi + Titanic = Sushitic
- Engine + Plant = Car
- Carnivore + Cowboy = Vegetarian
- America + Fireworks = Independence Day
- Mud + Train = Pig
- Fog + Swamp = Ghost
- Sand + Venus Flytrap = Sandtrap
- Planet + Sky = Star
- Incense + Smoke = Prayer
- Cloud + Engine = Jet
- Martian + Perfume = Stink
- Gatorade + Tanktop = Athlete
- Candy + Curiosity = Kid
- Perfume + Saturn V = Apollo
- Plant + Stone = Fossil
- Sand + Smoke = Desert
- Tree + Water = River
- Dune + Mosquito = Sandfly
- Flower + Venus = Rose
- Sand + Volcano = Glass
- Forest + Wine = Drunk
- Island + Mosquito = Malaria
- Squirrel + Straw = Nest
- Sushitic + UFO = Alien
- Car + Island = Parking
- Independence Day + Vegetarian = Vegetarian Day
- Ghost + Pig = Bacon
- Sandtrap + Submarine = Trap
- Prayer + Star = Angel
- Surf + Tree = Palm
- Ferry + Train = Bus
- Funnel Cake + Tractor = Tractor Cake
- Ghost + Jet = Pilot
- Flower + Jet = Airplane
- Venus + Volcano = Vulcan
- Athlete + Stink = Sweat
- Apollo + Kid = Child
- Desert + Fossil = Oil
- River + Water = Lake
- Pollen + Volcano = Eruption
- Pollen + Swamp = Allergy
- Cloud + Fire = Lightning
- Cloud + Tsunami = Rainbow
- Tsunami + Wind = Hurricane
- Rose + Sandfly = Poison
- Glass + Steam = Mirror
- Jet + Plant = Fuel
- Dust + Engine = Vacuum
- Drunk + Forest = Party
- Island + Malaria = Panama
- Alien + Nest = Egg
- Dust + Mudweed = Dirt
- Parking + Tractor Beam = Traffic Warden
- Bacon + Vegetarian Day = Hypocrite
- Angel + Trap = Devil
- Stone + Water = Rock
- Stone + Tractor = Stonehenge
- Seaweed + Weed = Kale
- Sushi + Water = Fish
- Venus Flytrap + Windmill = Wind Turbine
- Bus + Palm = Tourist
- Fireworks + Tractor Cake = Birthday
- Airplane + Pilot = Flight
- Funnel Cake + Tree = Maple
- Tree + Venus = Apple
- Ash + Ocean = Salt
- Poseidon + Vulcan = Cyclops
- Child + Sweat = Teenager
- America + Ferry = Liberty
- Cheese + Oil = Pizza
- Lake + Parking = Lot
- Allergy + Eruption = Sneeze
- Engine + Lightning = Tesla
- Rainbow + Weed = Pot of Gold
- Smoke + Submarine = Periscope
- Hurricane + Steam = Steamboat
- Cloud + Tractor = Crop
- Mirror + Poison = Vampire
- Train + Weed = Trainwreck
- Fuel + Lightning = Explosion
- Mosquito + Vacuum = Skeetervac
- Panama + Party = Hat
- Dirt + Egg = Chicken
- Hypocrite + Traffic Warden = Politician
- Devil + Paper = Contract
- Flower + Paper = Book
- Glass + Rock = Lens
- Glass + Stonehenge = Time
- Fish + Kale = Salmon
- Sandstorm + Tree = Palm Tree
- Jet + Surfer = Ironman
- Stonehenge + Wind Turbine = Wind Farm
- Birthday + Tourist = Vacation
- Flight + Tree = Bird
- Seaweed + Stone = Coral
- Ash + Water = Puddle
- Moon + Nest = Owl
- Apple + Maple = Pie
- Mud + Vacuum = Clean
- Cyclops + Salt = Tear
- Drunk + Lake = Swim
- Liberty + Teenager = Rebel
- Fuel + Pizza = Delivery
- Lot + Lot = Village
- Lake + Paper = Map
- Jet + Sneeze = Snot
- Incense + Sand = Snake
- Sandtrap + Venus Flytrap = Flypaper
- Pot of Gold + Tesla = Tesla Coil
- Mudweed + Periscope = Scope
- Crop + Steamboat = Cotton
- Fuel + Vampire = Blood
- Swamp + Tractor = Monster Truck
- River + Trainwreck = Bridge
- Hurricane + Tsunami = Disaster
- Explosion + Fuel = Bomb
- Surfer + Venus Flytrap = Surfing Plant
- Pot of Gold + Skeetervac = Leprechaun
- Ash + Earth = Soil
- Planet + Tsunami = Earthquake
- Chicken + Hat = Chef
- Politician + Train = Campaign
- Book + Contract = Law
- Ghost + Lens = Camera
- Salmon + Time = Evolution
- Cloud + Surf = Surfing
- Earth + Palm Tree = Coconut
- Dutch + Ironman = Robot
- Volcano + Wind Farm = Geothermal Plant
- Fog + Plant = Mushroom
- Incense + Sandstorm = Genie
- Bird + Vacation = Migration
- Fire + Mud = Brick
- Coral + Stone = Pearl
- Owl + Puddle = Wisdom
- Clean + Pie = Whole
- Swim + Tear = Cry
- Delivery + Rebel = Strike
- Map + Village = City
- America + Trap = Trump
- Snake + Snot = Booger
- Flypaper + Paper = Sticky Note
- Scope + Tesla Coil = Death Ray
- Ironman + Maple = Ironwood
- Blood + Cotton = Bandage
- America + Monster Truck = Freedom
- Bridge + Tree = Troll
- Bomb + Disaster = Terrorist
- Leprechaun + Surfing Plant = Shamrock
- Earthquake + Soil = Landslide
- Chef + Village = Restaurant
- Blood + Campaign = Election
- Swamp + Tree = Mangrove
- Camera + Law = Copyright
- Chef + Evolution = Cook
- Sandstorm + Surfing = Sandboarding
- Rain + Storm = Flood
- Continent + Earth = Land
- Rainbow + Venus = Love
- Coconut + Periscope = Monocle
- Geothermal Plant + Robot = Judge
- Genie + Mushroom = Mario
- Dust + Fog = Smog
- Liberty + Migration = Immigration
- Brick + Earth = House
- Dutch + Pearl = Gift
- Alien + Wisdom = Knowledge
- Funnel Cake + Stone = Funnel
- Cry + Whole = Hole
- City + Strike = Riot
- Booger + Trump = President
- Death Ray + Sticky Note = Post-It
- Bandage + Ironwood = Nail
- Pig + Pot of Gold = Piggy Bank
- Freedom + Ironwood = Slavery
- Terrorist + Troll = Internet
- Bus + Earth = Truck
- Landslide + Shamrock = Luck
- Election + Restaurant = Voting
- Mangrove + Pot of Gold = Treasure
- Cook + Copyright = Recipe
- Flood + Sandboarding = Fun
- Land + Prayer = Temple
- Love + Tree = Heart
- Maple + Monocle = Professor
- America + Soil = Farmer
- Judge + Statue = Justice
- Hay + Mario = Strawberry
- Smog + Wind Farm = Clean Air
- House + Immigration = Home
- Gift + Tree = Christmas
- City + Knowledge = University
- Car + Funnel = Gas
- Hole + Politician = Scandal
- President + Riot = Protest
- Nail + Post-It = Poster
- Flower + Piggy Bank = Money
- Cheese + Sandwich = Grilled Cheese
- Internet + Slavery = Social Media
- Luck + Truck = Fortune
- Treasure + Voting = Democracy
- Fun + Recipe = Cooking
- Cloud + Windmill = Energy
- Hay + Rose = Sleeping Beauty
- Heart + Temple = Church
- Farmer + Professor = Scientist
- Airplane + Justice = Lawsuit
- Child + Judge = Lawyer
- Clean Air + Strawberry = Fruit
- Christmas + Home = Family
- Gas + University = Chemistry
- Prayer + Scandal = Politics
- Immigration + Sweat = Labor
- Poster + Protest = Protester
- Grilled Cheese + Money = Rich
- Fortune + Social Media = Fame
- Vacuum + Weed = Dyson
- Cooking + Democracy = Food
- Energy + Time = Light
- Dandelion + Planet = Sun
- House + Sleeping Beauty = Castle
- Church + Pie = Piece
- Lawsuit + Scientist = Patent
- Flower + Judge = Jury
- Fruit + Lawyer = Banana
- Chemistry + Family = Dad
- Poseidon + Venus Flytrap = Medusa
- Labor + Politics = Union
- Pizza + Protester = Slice
- Fame + Rich = Celebrity
- Dyson + Stonehenge = Time Machine
- Cowboy + Dutch = Yodeling
- Ash + Car = Rust
- Food + Village = Market
- Justice + Light = Truth
- Castle + Sun = Palace
- Bomb + Piece = Peace
- Jury + Patent = Invention
- Banana + Map = Trip
- Dad + River = Father
- Planet + Sandtrap = Golf
- Steam + Venus = Life
- Medusa + Vacuum = Hair
- Slice + Union = Cut
- Medusa + Parking = Ticket
- Celebrity + Tear = Drama
- Clean Air + Time Machine = Future
- Rust + Yodeling = Country
- Dad + Market = Grocery
- Malaria + Sushi = Sick
- Ash + Pollen = Cough
- Palace + Truth = Lie
- Invention + Peace = Silence
- Father + Trip = Business
- Dandelion + Golf = Puffball
- Hair + Life = Mane
- Chemistry + Cut = Surgery
- Delivery + Ticket = Post
- Drama + Fish = Tragedy
- Country + Future = Nation
- Grocery + Peace = Shopping
- Cough + Sick = Medicine
- Athlete + Lie = Cheat
- Lightning + Sushi = Electric Eel
- Business + Silence = Success
- Mane + Puffball = Lion
- Post + Surgery = Recovery
- Tragedy + Tragedy = Comedy
- Contract + Nation = Constitution
- Lightning + Shopping = Sale
- Cheat + Medicine = Drug
- Electric Eel + Nail = Battery
- Delivery + Post = Mail
- Lion + Success = Pride
- Comedy + Recovery = Laughter
- Constitution + Cry = Amendment
- Hat + Sale = Discount
- Battery + Drug = Speed
- Mail + Weed = Mailman
- Ash + Mud = Clay
- Laughter + Pride = Satisfaction
- Amendment + Life = Abortion
- Discount + Professor = Lecture
- Cotton + Speed = Race
- Kraken + Mushroom = Soup
- Lawsuit + Palm = Slap
- Mailman + Perfume = Stamp
- Island + Weed = Pot
- Stone + Windmill = Flour
- Clay + Sandtrap = Claymore
- Internet + Satisfaction = Impossible
- Abortion + Fun = Funding
- Delivery + Lecture = Speech
- President + Race = Racist
- Slap + Soup = Fight
- Clay + Flower = Vase
- Pot + Stamp = Coin
- Claymore + Flour = Bread
- Freedom + Mail = Junk
- Funding + Impossible = Possible
- Racist + Speech = Hate
- Fight + Pilot = Fighter
- Lava + Stone = Obsidian
- Funnel Cake + Vase = Urn
- Bread + Coin = Economy
- Car + Fog = Accident
- Candy + Junk = Sugar
- Possible + Whole = Potential
- Fighter + Hate = Enemy
- Flower + Moon = Night
- Hay + Obsidian = Scythe
- Poseidon + Swamp = Loch Ness Monster
- Golf + Urn = Coffin
- Sushi + Train = Bullet Train
- Accident + Economy = Recession
- Sandwich + Sugar = Dessert
- Enemy + Potential = Friend
- Night + Party = Sleepover
- Rich + Train = Orient Express
- Loch Ness Monster + Scythe = Grim Reaper
- Bullet Train + Coffin = Coffin Dodger
- Dessert + Recession = Depression
- Clay + Windmill = Pottery
- Swamp + Train = Monster
- Earthquake + Friend = Fault
- Orient Express + Sleepover = Murder
- Coffin Dodger + Grim Reaper = Death
- Depression + Prayer = Hope
- Planet + Pottery = Plate
- Monster + Perfume = Beauty
- Business + Fault = Bankruptcy
- Death + Murder = Suicide
- Hope + Lion = Courage
- Palace + Plate = Dinner
- Bankruptcy + Beauty = Ugly
- Courage + Suicide = Hero
- Dinner + Night = Date
- Hero + Ugly = Beast
- Beast + Date = Together
- Fire + Malaria = Fever
- Fever + Together = Forever
- Forever + Lake = Infinity
We fully get it! That was quite the task. But if you did follow along, congratulations! You’ve now unlocked Infinity and you’re probably one of the only players that has it.
If you can find a quicker way to get there please leave a comment below so we can update this piece, but for now, taking the 432 steps might be the only way we have found.
Published: Feb 20, 2024 06:14 pm