Something that most players in Elden Ring covet is a tried and true armor set. There are dozens of armor sets available in the game, with every playstyle represented among them. However, most are somewhat difficult to obtain, leaving players with battered rags for much of the early game. Fans can go this route, or they can pick up the overpowered Royal Remains armor set relatively early on in Elden Ring.
If fans have made it to the Roundtable Hold, then they’ve likely already seen the Royal Remains armor. It’s worn here by Ensha, who’s waiting around Ofnir’s room. No matter what you do, you can’t talk to this NPC. It seems like Ensha might not be worth anything but then, after a story event, you’re able to grab his armor set, the Royal Remains.
Getting the Royal Remains armor set in Elden Ring
In order to get the Royal Remains armor, you need to have made it to Liurnia, the region north of Limgrave and Stormveil Castle. Once here, you need to make your way to the Village of the Albinaurics, which is found directly west of the starting Site of Grace in Liurnia. You can see its exact location below.

You can make your way to the village by going into the lake, finding the Folly on the Lake Site of Grace and then heading south until you see a bridge. This bridge is the village that you’re seeking. Once inside the village, you need to head up the hill on the east side and look to the right until you see a pot. Hit this pot and it will uncover a man named Albus, who gives you the Haligtree Secret Medallion (Right).
For whatever reason, this half medallion is what you need to get the Royal Remains armor. With it hand, go back to the Roundtable Hold and you’ll see that Ensha will invade your world. You need to defeat him, leave the Roundtable and then return back. Once you have, go to where he was originally standing outside Ofnir’s room and you can grab the whole armor set.
If you put any of the pieces on, your HP will slowly regenerate when below 25%. The more pieces of armor you have on, the more your HP regens.
For more helpful content, check out Upcomer’s comprehensive Elden Ring guide hub.
Published: Mar 6, 2022 07:45 pm