Seeing as Elden Ring has tied the level-up system directly to its currency, Runes, it’s no wonder that players are discovering all manner of ways to farm them. From killing a certain mob in Caelid to taking down a single dragon for 80,000 Runes, there are many ways to acquire currency quickly in the Lands Between. However, none are arguably more efficient than one recently discovered in the Deeproot Depths.
The Deeproot Depths is an underground location that can only be accessed after defeating Starscourge Radahn in Caelid. Once there, you will need to kill one specific enemy over and over again to earn thousands of Runes in just a few minutes. This can transform your character and let you upgrade any weapon or Spirit Ash with ease.
The new Rune farming method in Elden Ring
Once you’re in Deeproot Depths at the starting Site of Grace, you need to head directly in front of you. There will be a small Erdtree Avatar to your left, which is optional, and some large roots dead ahead. You need to carefully take Torrent along these roots and make your way to the other side of the island.
If you’ve successfully done that, keep following the roots until you reach the center of the Nameless Eternal City. You can hit a couple of Grace Sites here, but we recommend going for the one on the northwest side, called The Nameless Eternal City, as seen below.

This Site of Grace will be your fast travel point when you’re done killing the enemies you need to. Speaking of them, you need to kill the large statue-like enemies that litter the city. One is found off the main road on the ground level while another is found on top of the sunken church just in front of the Site of Grace you rested at.
However, most of them are located on the roofs of the buildings looking overhead. You need to ride Torrent up the roots and onto these buildings in order to kill the statues. They take virtually no time to kill and get stunned after a couple of hits. If you get in front of them, though, they will spew fire.

Each of these statues you kill will earn you roughly 3,500 Runes each. There are around five-six of the statue enemies in the city, all within a reasonable range of each other. If you kill them all within a couple of minutes, you’ll earn about 17,000 Runes. If you do this for an hour, you can earn well over 200,000 Runes.
For more helpful content, check out Upcomer’s comprehensive Elden Ring guide hub.
Published: Mar 3, 2022 11:06 pm