You can meet all sorts of different characters and creatures during your time in Baldur’s Gate 3. However, perhaps the most adorable of the bunch is the Owlbear Cub. This cute mut is found inside of a cave and there are a few different ways you can stumble upon the cave. No matter how you do it, you will encounter the Owlbear’s mother, who is naturally very protective over her cub.
Regardless of what route you take, many players are asking if there is any way they can befriend the Owlbear Cub. While the answer will come down to how you approach the situation, I am happy to report that yes, there is a way to make friends with the Owlbear Cub in Baldur’s Gate 3.
Making friends with the Owlbear Cub in Baldur’s Gate 3
The Owlbear Cave is located just northeast of Blighted Village. The mouth of the cave is found near a river in between the Blighted Village and Emerald Grove Environs waypoints. You can either choose to visit the cave by yourself or you can encounter two characters standing over the body of their dead brother. They are located in the same general area as the cave and if you convince them you are a True Soul, they will lead you right to the cave.
In any case, inside the cave, you will find the Owlbear mother. If you have a spell, necklace, or scroll that allows you to speak to animals, you can talk with the Owlbear. However, if you want the Owlbear Cub, this isn’t the way to go. Instead, you will need to kill the mother, which causes a pretty heart-wrenching and strange cutscene to play.

After this happens, the Owlbear Cub will make its way to the goblin camp to the northwest of Blighted Village. Here, you will find the Owlbear Cub running around with a female goblin in the large courtyard right outside the Shattered Sanctum. If you speak to the goblin, she will ask if you want to play a game of chicken chase. Deny this request, and then speak with the Owlbear cub using your animal speak spell. You can ask it to join you, but it will refuse.
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From here, speak to the goblin again and pass a dialogue check to take the Owlbear Cub with you. After a few days and a long rest at camp, the Owlbear Cub will join you.

However, if you killed all of the goblins in the goblin camp, the Owlbear Cub can still be found in the same location. Speak to the cub and if you let it sniff you, you will eventually see it in your camp.
Published: Sep 3, 2023 02:51 pm