One part of Hogwarts Legacy that many players might not even know exists is Traits. This gear option does not become available until the mid-section of the game, so they’re extremely easy to miss. However, once players do get access to them, they will have an entirely new level of customization at their fingertips.
You might have seen some higher-level gear have an option for a Trait during the early stages of Hogwarts Legacy. Players who have unlocked the Room of Requirement might have also noticed that some of their previously unidentified gear (which was identified using the Description Desk) has a Trait on it. Seeing this simply causes players to have more questions, though, as Traits are not addressed until a main story quest in the middle part of Hogwarts Legacy.
Below, we’ll explain when you get that quest and how to go about adding Traits to all of your gear in Hogwarts Legacy.
Add gear Traits in Hogwarts Legacy

The quest that allows you to access Traits is given to you by Deek, the resident house elf in Hogwarts Legacy. The quest is called “The Elf, The Nab-Sack and The Loom,” which comes after the initial “Room of Requirement” quest. In the quest given by Deek, you will unlock the ability to add Traits to your gear, among many other things.
Traits are added using the Enchanted Loom, which is a station you can put in the Room of Requirement. Using the Enchanted Loom, you can select a piece of gear that you want to upgrade. This gear needs to have a Trait slot available, though, and those are usually only on blue, purple, and gold rarity gear. The Enchanted Loom won’t be unlocked until you progress further in the story, though, so don’t expect it to use at the start of the game.
With this gear at the Loom, you can assign any Trait you’ve previously discovered to that piece of clothing. You can also upgrade a piece of gear three times by either increasing its defensive or offensive capabilities. Doing this requires resources, though.

As for the Traits, you mainly acquire those through exploration in Dungeons or simply finding random chests on the map. You can also unlock them through the Field Guide, as defeating different kinds of enemies will yield new Traits. To find all of the ones you’ve already unlocked through the Field Guide, click Collections, and then click Combat. Here, you can see all of the Traits you’ve unlocked and what enemies you need to defeat to unlock new ones. I found the best way to acquire them was to go through the Field Guide, as you can track which Traits you’re unlocking and which ones you want to go for first.
And that’s all you need to know about Traits and upgrading gear in Hogwarts Legacy. Check out our previous guides on how to change the appearance of your gear and unlock more gear slots.
Published: Nov 27, 2023 2:19 AM UTC