The next month should be an exciting time for Apex Legends fans. Though nothing is officially confirmed, there’s clear evidence of two events coming soon to the game. We have the Mirage Town Takeover coming to a deserted area on the west side of the map. There’s also the leaked Winter Express event, which will feature a new Limited Time Mode taking place on a Christmas-themed train.
However, like most developers nowadays, Respawn Entertainment will also be releasing some holiday-themed skins. The skins will presumably arrive at the same time as the two events.
New Apex Legends Christmas skins
While Apex Legends hasn’t been the best at releasing new skins, it looks they’re trying to improve. After releasing a new Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order skin for Pathfinder, there are leaks that suggest Christmas skins are on their way.
The new Christmas/holiday event that will feature the Winter Express LTM is reportedly named the Holo-Day Bash. According to data-miners @iLootGames and @That1MiningGuy, there are Christmas skins coming for each of the 11 Legends. However, we only have actual images for seven of the Legends’ skins. Credit to @iLootGames on Twitter for the images below.
As of right now, we still lack images for Bloodhound, Wraith, Lifeline, or Gibraltar. Still, it’s unlikely they would be left out of the lineup. We expect to see the new events arriving sometime next week, so that should be when the skins also release.
We currently don’t know how the skins will be released. Respawn could choose to make them available as individual purchases or wrap them up in one bundle. It’s also unknown if the skins will be earnable through the actual Winter Express event.
What do you think of the leaked Christmas skins? Let us know, and keep up with Daily Esports for all of your Apex Legends coverage.
Published: Dec 7, 2019 02:30 pm