Season 1 of Apex Legends is finally here! Along with the new patch also comes the long-awaited Battle Pass. We’ll tell you everything you need to know about the Apex Legends Season 1 Battle Pass.
Price and rewards
The first question most people will have is how much this will cost. To pick up a Battle Pass you have to spend a total of 950 Apex Coins, which equals $12.99 in dollars.
The Battle Pass comes with 100 levels each providing at least one reward. Players who reach level 110 will also receive two bonus legendary unlocks. The available rewards include the following:
- 1000 Apex Coins: 8 levels award 50 coins each and 6 reward 100 coins each
- 4 Rare skins: 1 each for Mirage, Wraith, Lifeline, and Octane
- 27 Trackers: 3 for each Legend displaying Season 1 wins, kills, and damage done
- 9 normal Apex packs, 1 pack that guarantees an epic item, and one that guarantees a legendary for a total of 11
- 9 Quips: 1 for each Legend
- 22 Weapon skins: 20 are Rare, 1 is Epic, and at level 100 you are awarded one Legendary. You get a 23rd if you reach level 110, which is also Legendary.
- 20 Badges to display: 1 for every 5 levels of the pass that you progress through. An additional Legendary Badge is awarded at level 110.
- 9 Rare Loading Frames: 1 for each Legend
- 25% boost to Battle Pass points through 10 individual 2.5% boosts

Reddit user DarthSatoris did some calculations and determined the value of this Battle Pass to equal 7790 Apex Coins. We can’t vouch for the math that went into it, but if the real value is anywhere close to that, it should be a very worthwhile investment. If you elect not to purchase the pass, you can get 24 items for free just from leveling up. These are limited to the stat trackers and regular Apex Packs, as well as the last free unlock, which is the rare Octane skin.

Apex Legends players can progress through the levels of the pass by playing, surviving, and therefore gaining in-game experience. There is also bonus experience up for grabs for the first 25,000 experience you pick up with different Legends each and every week. This means if you want to progress through the tiers as quickly as possible, you should be trying to play different Legends as often as possible. This is true until you hit the 25,000 experience cap with each Legend in that particular week. You have a total of 90 days to complete the pass, and the countdown timer until the season ends is displayed on the Battle Pass page in your client.
Alternatively, you can spend 150 Apex Coins to purchase the next level of the Battle Pass.
Is there a specific item you are most excited to unlock or are looking forward to? Let us know on Twitter or in the comments below!
Published: Mar 20, 2019 09:59 am