Apex Legends could be changing things up when the new year arrives. As of right now, the game is in a good spot with the Winter Express LTM and Mirage’s Voyage Takeover. Players are feeling refreshed by the new, innovative content Respawn is adding to Apex. However, the developers could be cooking something up that would put an entirely new spin on the game. According to some leaks, a third-person mode might be in development and nearing completion. Could this be the next big piece of content for Apex Legends?
Third-person mode releasing soon in Apex Legends?
A week or so ago, we saw a “bug” that allowed players to go into third-person in the Firing Range training area. Originally, this was thought to just be a glitch within the area, since it was just revamped to include player vs. player combat.
However, it looks like this “bug” wasn’t a bug at all. In fact, it may have been an accidental slip by Respawn that foreshadows a third-person mode coming to Apex Legends. Known leaker and dataminer @That1MiningGuy has all of the details for us on this possibility.
According to the leaker, there are files for an “Opt-in/Op out” option. This could very well hint at players getting to choose between first- and third-person perspectives. However, it does look like the third-person mode would only be available in a Limited Time Mode.
If this is all true, Respawn could just be testing the third-person option out in an LTM. If it succeeds and players enjoy it, they could introduce it to the main playlist. PUBG offers the same options, and players quite enjoy having the choice between the two.
In any case, a third-person mode would definitely spice things up for Apex Legends players. Although, it would divide the player base into two different sections.
What do you think about a third-person mode? Let us know, and make sure to keep up with Daily Esports for all future Apex Legends news.
Published: Dec 19, 2019 12:17 am