Throughout your time in Elden Ring, you’ll stumble upon a large variety of items that you’ll have no idea what to do with. Rune Arcs, Golden Runes and Remembrances are some of the chief offenders of this, as Elden Ring doesn’t explain what they’re used for in specific terms. Honing in on Remembrances, players are often more confused with these since they’re actually worth a tremendous amount of Runes if sold. Veterans of RPGs might have guessed that you shouldn’t sell this item, though.
Instead, the game wants you to wait until you’ve progressed a little further in the story. When you have, you can exchange your Remembrance for an item of a higher value that can change your current playthrough of Elden Ring.
Remembrances in Elden Ring
The only way for you to acquire a Remembrance is by defeating a demigod. So if you’ve defeated Margit, The Fell Omen but not Godrick the Grafted, you won’t have any Remembrance in your inventory. The Remembrance you earn will reflect the demigod who gave it to you. So when you defeat Godrick, you’ll see that the new Remembrance in your inventory is named after him.
Once you defeat Godrick, keep going north into Liurnia and explore the region. It seems that at some point during this exploration, a door at the Roundtable Hold will open. This door is located directly behind you when you spawn into the hub area.

Through this door, you’ll see a Finger Reader and the Two Fingers. Talk to the Finger Reader and she will notice your Remembrance. This NPC can turn your Remembrances into items of power specific to the boss you defeated to get it. If you talk to her long enough, you’ll be presented with the Power of Remembrance menu to select the item you want in exchange.
So for Godrick’s Remembrance, the Finger Reader offers you the Axe of Godrick and a Faith-based dragon head armament that Godrick uses in the boss battle. The Axe is free but the dragon head costs 2,000 Runes. Taking either of the weapons will cost you the Remembrance in return.

You can repeat this process each time you defeat a demigod in Elden Ring. Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon has a high-level staff and Sorcery spell to offer once you defeat her.
For more helpful content, check out Upcomer’s comprehensive Elden Ring guide hub.
Published: Feb 27, 2022 01:04 pm