One of the new features in Dying Light 2 Stay Human gives players the ability to run on walls. A fraction of this feature was in the original Dying Light, allowing players to jump between walls. However, in Dying Light 2, you can wall run until you’re out of stamina. The way to wall run isn’t outlined directly for players, though, leading to some questions surrounding how to do it.
The ability to wall run lies within the Skills menu. You have access to this directly after you enter Villedor for the first time. The menu is where you acquire different Skills, upgrade health and stamina and see your overall player level progression. Wall running is a certain Skill that you can unlock in the Parkour section of the menu. Below, you can see exactly what Skill it is and how to wall run in the new sequel title.
Wall running in Dying Light 2
The Skill you need to unlock is called “Tic Tac” and is located near the middle-bottom of the Parkour Skills section. The exact description for the Skill is “Run alongside vertical surfaces. Press and hold [jump keybind] while jumping toward a flat surface.” You will need 160 stamina points to unlock this Skill, which means you need to find some Inhibitors and upgrade your stamina a few times.

Once you have the Tic Tac Skill unlocked, you can now wall run on any vertical surface you come across in Dying Light 2. The surface needs to be tall enough to support a wall run but not much else is required.
As you hold the jump keybind, you’ll attach to the wall and can run alongside it for a short amount of time. However, you can also unlock other Skills to keep wall running and even chain together wall runs to go for longer.
The mechanic makes the parkour system in Dying Light 2 even more enjoyable and gives you another way to traverse the city of Villedor.
Published: Feb 2, 2022 12:00 pm