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Getting any card players want in Yugioh Master Duel is surprisingly easy thanks to the Secret Pack mechanic. In this quick but informative guide, players will learn what Secret Packs are, how to get them and which Yugioh Master Duel Secret Packs have the most popular archetypes.

What is a Yugioh Master Duel Secret Pack

Secret Packs guarantee that at least four cards in each secret pack will be deck-specific. | Screenshot provided by Konami.

Secret Packs are the easiest and most cost-effective way to get specific cards for specific decks. In the regular pack shop, there are only three options. However, there are dozens of hidden packs that are not available to everyone. These packs have to be unlocked. The way to unlock these packs is to get keys from opening other packs. When a player opens a standard Master pack, there is a chance that a card can drop a key. These keys are dropped from many Super Rare and Ultra Rare cards.

Once a key is dropped and the pack is opened, players will be allowed to access the secret pack associated with the card that dropped the key. There is a catch with these secret packs. They are only available for 24 hours after they are unlocked. After that players need to unlock them again.

The payoff, however, is great since these Secret packs come with heavily increased odds at pulling the high rarity cards players are specifically looking for instead of banking on the very low chance they outright pull in in the Master set or waste crafting material.

How to find the Secret Pack you want

Once a player crafts a SR or UR card for the first time, the secret pack for that deck will show up. | Screenshot provided by Konami.

There is an extremely easy way to get to any specific Secret Pack in the game. Keys don’t only drop from pulling SR or UR cards, they also drop from crafting them. All players need to do is craft one card from a deck they want to play. After the card is crafted, the key for that secret pack will unlock. The best part about this method is that if a player unlocks a secret pack for the first time this way, they actually receive a free pack of it too.

Once the secret pack is unlocked in either method, players can buy as many as they want in the 24 hour time period. Once the 24 hours is up, players can simply craft another SR or UR that exists in that pack to unlock it again.

Examples of popular Secret Packs

Enchanted Threads of Shade is the Secret Pack for the Shaddoll Archetype. | Screenshot provided by Konami.

When it comes to finding out what cards are in what packs, players can click the “how to obtain” button on any card in the deck builder mode. After clicking that option, players will finally be shown a screen that shows exactly what pack to find the card in. Here are some examples of some of the most popular decks in the game what Secret Packs they are in.

  • Gravkeepers: Guardian of Kings
  • Blue-Eyes: The Azure in the Ivory
  • Dark Magician: Darkest Magics
  • Elemental HERO: The First Heroes
  • Harpies: Glory on Wings
  • Lunalight: Moonlit Avian Dance
  • Drytron: Celestial Dragon and Bear
  • Shaddoll: Enchanted Threads of Shade
  • Sky-Striker: Singular Strike Overthrow
  • Virtual World: Cyber City Guardians