Fortnite’s 28.20 patch is now live, which means its LEGO-themed survival mode is getting some additions and improvements too. The biggest thing in the patch notes is the new Hunting Dagger, and here’s how you can craft it in LEGO Fortnite.
The beautiful thing about LEGO Fortnite is that really, your only limitation is your imagination. From buildings to weapons, you can craft your way across the blocky landscape, and create the world you want to live in.
For those who enjoy getting out in the wild and taking on the beasts that live there, the Hunting Dagger may just be the perfect weapon for you. Here’s how to craft it.
How to make Hunting Dagger in LEGO Fortnite
There are four different rarities of Hunting Dagger in LEGO Fortnite: Common, Uncommon, Rare, and Epic.
Each Dagger requires a specific item to make it available, and can only be crafted from a Crafting Bench.
Common Hunting Dagger recipe
To build a Common Hunting Dagger, you will need six pieces of Granite, and four Bones in your inventory. This version will deal two damage to enemies.

Uncommon Hunting Dagger recipe
To make an Uncommon Hunting Dagger, you will need six pieces of Marble, and four pieces of Cut Amber. This version will deal three damage to enemies.

Rare Hunting Dagger recipe
If you want to make a Rare Hunting Dagger, you’ll need six Obsidian Slabs, and four pieces of Cut Ruby. It’ll deal four damage when you hack at an enemy.

Epic Hunting Dagger recipe
You’re going to need to have good resources to make an Epic Hunting Dagger, as you’ll need six Malachite Slabs and four pieces of Cut Sapphire to add one to your inventory. It’ll deal five damage to anyone you smack with it.

According to Epic, this weapon is most effective if you can sneak up on a distracted enemy and clobber it from behind. So, go and grab your resources, head to your Crafting Bench, and make your own Hunting Dagger.
Published: Feb 7, 2024 07:23 am