In a post On Friday, Head of Creative at Halo Infinite Joseph Staten addressed fixes coming down the pipeline alongside revealing “Lone Wolves,” the second season of the battle pass. The post includes a preview of some of the customizable items in the pass. At the same time, Staten talked about a ‘hotlist’ of issues they’re looking at both online and offline.
In our latest #HaloInfinite Update, we share insights into what the team is currently focused on, outline what's at the top of our priority list, and reveal new details on what's coming with Season 2.
— Halo (@Halo) March 4, 2022
‘Hotlist’ of issues highlighted by Halo team
The post includes a lot of information from the Halo team, starting off with highlighting issues that they’re focusing on. In a self-described ‘hotlist,’ the team is focusing on issues such as anti-cheat and Big Team Battle matchmaking. Earlier this year, the team noticed these issues and are still working on some of them.
“Some items have been addressed and cleared from the Hotlist (e.g., BTB matchmaking), some have had partial improvements but need more work (e.g., anti-cheat), and others are in active development but not-yet-released (e.g., Spartan Career, Campaign Co-Op, and Forge),” the post said. Forge in particular is close to completion, now sent out to independent creators to test out.
Staten also stated their intentions of making a ‘public-facing hotlist,’ something fans can look at to see what the team is working on for upcoming patches.
Season 2: Lone Wolves coming soon to Halo Infinite
Season 1: Heroes of Reach is ending on May 2, 2022, and the team has confirmed that May 3 will start Season 2: Lone Wolves. Much like Season 1, the theme of the season revolves around the name. As Staten states: “Lone Wolf Spartans are hunters. Trackers. They’re resourceful improvisers, operating deep in enemy territory without resupply or support. They’re fierce, rugged, and prefer to work alone—but they’re still loyal to the Spartan pack”.
Along with this reveal, concept art for this upcoming season was revealed. The two Spartans in the art are Sigrid Eklund and Hieu Dinh, who play a role in Season 2’s story. Yet, not all content will revolve around this Lone Wolves theme, as Staten also revealed the free Fracture armor coming to Season 2

Along with new customizable content, this season also promises new playlists as well as new maps.
To start, the new playlists include a free-for-all mode named “Last Spartan Standing,” as well as popular mode “King of the Hill” and a brand new one called “Land Grab.” For these new maps, the first is an Arena map named “Catalyst” and a Big Team Battle map named “Breaker.”

Towards the end of the post, Staten also talked about the upcoming Season 1 event “Tactical Ops”, starting sometime in the second week of March. This event includes new variations for the Tactical Slayer game mode, as well as new customizable armor.

Published: Mar 4, 2022 07:57 pm