How making sandwiches works in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet
Pokémon Scarlet Violet sandwiches
Provided by Michael Czar.

How making sandwiches works in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet

Sandwiches can speed up combat, eggs and more

With a returning mechanic in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet letting you feed your Pokémon, here is how making sandwiches works and helps you get bonuses in fights, catching and even getting eggs. The mechanic revolves around the picnics you take with your Pokémon while traveling across Paldea and the food items you collect or purchase along the way.

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Sandwiches can be very useful

Early on in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, it’s clear that food has some importance in these games. From shops to ingredients, the game incentivizes players to eat and gain some of a multitude of bonuses. If you go to a sandwich shop or other food joints in Paldea, each dish shows exactly what bonuses it gives.

Pokémon Scarlet Violet
Food in Paldea, and the benefits they offer. | Provided by Michael Czar.

However, when picnicking across Paldea, you can make sandwiches using ingredients you’ve collected to make custom sandwiches. By going to sandwich shops across the region, you can get recipes for these sandwiches. But, you can also press X while on the recipe screen to go into creative mode. This allows you to make sandwiches entirely from scratch, choosing whatever toppings you want to throw in. You can go for the classics, like ham and cheese, or build an abomination with everything you got.

Pokémon Scarlet Violet sandwiches
The recipe mode for sandwiches in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet. | Provided by Michael Czar.

Just know that, much like your recipes show, specific sandwiches give specific buffs. For example, the ham sandwich recipe above offers better chances to meet Ground-Type Pokémon, more damage against Ghost-Type raids and a better catching rate for Bug-Type Pokémon. Of course, the more complex or harmonious the sandwich, the better these buffs are, with those ones on the ham sandwich all at a level 1 buff rate.

All possible benefits of sandwiches in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet

Here is the list of all the potential benefits these sandwiches (and other meals across Paldea) offer.

  • A better chance of encountering a specific type of Pokémon
  • More rewards after defeating a specific type of Pokémon in a raid
  • A better chance of catching a specific type of Pokémon
  • Increases the chance of getting Pokémon eggs
  • Increases the hatching time of Pokémon eggs
  • Buffs the chance of getting very large or very small Pokémon
  • Increases the chance of finding Shiny Pokémon
  • Buffs the team’s experience gain
  • Increases the number of general materials and item drops

Related: How to make a fair shiny sandwich on PC Invasion.

Last but not least, when it comes to meals in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, they last until you have your next one. The day and night cycle in-game is much faster than in the real world. This also means that the food buffs remain until you swap them by eating another meal.

Image of Michael Czar
Michael Czar
Polish-Canadian game enthusiast. I've been entrenched in gaming for as long as I can remember, with my first game being Pokemon Yellow and my most played games being Borderlands 2 and Overwatch. I have a degree in Film Studies, but writing about esports just makes my job all the better.