Pokémon Scarlet and Violet have established the first truly open-world experience in the Pokémon universe through their Treasure Hunt. In these games, players are presented with three different storylines. Dedicated trainers then have the option to pursue different objectives within these stories in any order they please.
Of course, it can get a little bit overwhelming when it comes to figuring out how to tackle it all. Here’s an overview of the best order for all three paths in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet.
What are the Pokémon Scarlet and Violet Treasure Hunt stories?

After completing their orientation at the academy in Mesagoza, players can start to take on one of three main paths. The simplest of these is “Victory Road.” Players follow the traditional formula of battling Gym Leaders before heading to the Pokémon League to challenge the Elite Four and Champion.
Meanwhile, “Starfall Street” has trainers challenge the Paldea region’s evil team, Team Star, in an attempt to disband the organization. Finally, the most original of these stories is “Path of Legends.” During this journey, trainers team up with Arven to battle Titan Pokémon and collect various Herba Mysticas.
While these Pokémon Scarlet and Violet stories can technically be done one at a time, it is better to move among all three of them in a set order. Upon completing these three paths, trainers will unlock the game’s final story, “The Way Home.”
The best order for all Pokémon Scarlet and Violet paths

Players should note that the best order for the Pokémon Scarlet and Violet paths does not follow a set route around the map. Gym badges may be received out of order, but there are set level differences if every gym. Fortunately, players don’t need to wait for a Fly HM, as they can readily return to previously-visited locations using Flying Taxis.
Here is the best order for each Pokémon Scarlet and Violet boss, based on the level of their ace Pokémon as well as their weaknesses:
Bosses | Pokémon Team and Tips |
Cortondo Gym Leader Katy (Recommended Level 15) | Pokémon Team:
Tip: Use a fire-type Pokémon |
Klawf, The Stony Cliff Titan (Recommended Level 16) | Tip: Any Grass, Water, or Ground-type Pokémon will do for this fight. |
Artazon Gym Leader Brassius (Recommended Level 17) | Pokémon Team:
Tip: Similar to the previous Gym Leader, Katy, bring a fire-type Pokémon |
Open Sky Titan Bombirdier (Recommended Level 20) | Tip: Rock, Fairy, and Electric-type Pokémon are the weakness of this titan. |
Team Star Segin Squad Boss Giacomo (Recommended Level 21) | Pokémon Team:
Tip: Use Bug, Fairy, and Fighting-type Pokémon |
Levincia Gym Leader Iono (Recommended Level 24) | Pokémon Team:
Tip: Use Ground-type Pokémon |
Team Star Schedar Squad Boss Mela (Recommended Level 27) | Pokémon Team:
Tip: Use Water, Rock, or Ground-type Pokémon |
Lurking Steel Titan Orthworm (Recommended Level 29) | Tip: Fire, Fighting, or Ground-type Pokémon are effective. |
Cascarrafa Gym Leader Kofu (Recommended Level 30) | Pokémon Team:
Tip: Use Grass or Electric-type Pokémon. |
Team Star Navi Squad Boss Atticus (Recommended Level 33) | Pokémon Team:
Tip: Bring Ground and Psychic-type Pokémon. Also, a lot of Antidotes. |
Medali Gym Leader Larry (Recommended Level 36) | Pokémon Team:
Tip: Rock, Ghost, and Steel-type Pokémon are effective. |
Montenevera Gym Leader Ryme (Recommended Level 42) | Pokémon Team:
Tip: Her entire team is weak to Dark and Ghost-type Pokémon. If you have Skelidirge on your team, it can solo this gym for you. |
Alfornada Gym Leader Tulip (Recommended Level 45) | Pokémon Team:
Tip: Bring the same team that you used with Ryme or add a Bug Pokémon like Slither Wing. |
Quaking Earth Titan Great Tusk or Iron Treads (Recommended Level 45) | Tips:
Glaseado Gym Leader Grusha (Recommended Level 48) | Pokémon Team:
Tip: You can easily wipe her team with a good Rock, Steel, and Fighting Pokémon except for Altaria. Use a Fire Pokémon for Altaria instead. |
Team Star Ruchbah Squad Boss Ortega (Recommended Level 51) | Pokémon Team:
Tip: Poison and Steel Pokémon are your friends. |
Team Star Caph Squad Boss Eri (Recommended Level 56) | Pokémon Team:
Tip: Use Psychic and Flying Pokémon for most of her team except Lucario. Opt for a Fire-type Pokémon when Eri brings Lucario out. |
False Dragon Titans Dondozo and Tatsugiri (Recommended Level 57) | Tips:
“Starfall Street” final boss (Recommended Level 63) | Cassiopeia 1 Pokémon Team:
Tip: Keep your team diverse with Dark, Fire, Grass, Fighting, Ground and Rock-type Pokémon. |
Cassiopeia 2 Pokémon Team:
Tip: Since this is almost a continuous battle, you can use the prior team structure to win against Cassiopea. Lucario is a good choice to combat Sylveon. | |
“Path of Legends” final boss (Recommended Level 63) | Pokémon Team:
Tip: Compose your team with Fighting, Flying, Fire, Water, or Grass Pokémon. |
“Victory Road” final boss (Recommended Level 66) | Elite Four Rika Pokémon Team:
Tip: Bring a strong Water or Grass-type Pokémon. |
Elite Four Poppy Pokémon Team:
Tip: Fire or Ground-type Pokémon is her general weakness. | |
Elite Four Larry Pokémon Team:
Tip: Bring Ice, Ground, Water, and Electric-type Pokémon. | |
Elite Four Hassle Pokémon Team:
Tip: A good Ice Pokémon will finish off his team. | |
Champion Geeta Pokémon Team:
Tip: Geeta has a very diverse team, so you need to swap Pokémon in and out of the battlefield to match her weaknesses. Generally, you can opt for a Fire, Ground, Ghost, and Fighting-type Pokémon. | |
Champion Nemona Pokémon Team:
Tip: You’ll most likely only need to counter her first five Pokémon. Bring at least Water, Psychic, Ice, Fighting, and your starting Pokémon. | |
“The Way Home” final boss (Recommended Level 67) | Professor Sada Pokémon Team:
Tip: Bring Fairy, Flying, Fighting, and Psychic Pokémon. |
Professor Turo Pokémon Team:
Tip: Bring Fairy, Grass, Fighting, Rock, and Ground-type Pokémon. |
This list may look daunting at first but if you follow this path, then we’re confident that you’ll be able to beat the game in no time. Looking for a good team to beat all the Pokémon Scarlet and Violet gyms? Read our article on the best team builds in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet.
Published: Mar 14, 2023 07:20 am