Greg “Grego” McAllen is a professional Apex Legends player for Cloud9. Before he made the change to the battle royale genre in 2017, he was a pro Overwatch player for the same organization and was regarded by some as the best Lúcio player in the world during his time competing.
Grego has since seen success with high placings in tournaments and was picked back up by one of the largest esports organizations in the world. We caught up with him for an interview.
Daily Esports: Greg, thank you for agreeing to do this interview with me. You have played CS:GO and Overwatch at a high level and are now taking your skills over to Apex Legends. What made you want to apply your skill set to battle royale titles over multiplayer shooter titles?
Grego: I enjoy all types of first-person shooters, and at the moment battle royale games are quite popular. I’ve been having a ton of fun with Apex Legends since it dropped, so it just seemed natural to start streaming and entering competitions.
DES: When transitioning from multiplayer shooters to BR titles, did you have to learn a lot of new things or did most of your skills translate well?
Grego: Well, I actually learned most of the BR tactics I know just by playing them for fun over time. I’ve played every battle royale released since the original H1Z1, so I’ve had a chance to get pretty familiar with the format. This is just one of the few I decided to compete in.
DES: Apex Legends is the biggest game in the world currently and you are recognized as being one of the top players. What is your advice to players that are trying to compete and get better at Apex?
Grego: You have to really motivate yourself. I would start by playing league scrims in the pro Apex Discord to get some practice against some of the better players out there. There are already a lot of players doing this, so you have to come in and beat them to prove yourself.
DES: Do you think content creation is a necessity in today’s world to be recognized and picked up by an organization such as Cloud9, or do you think your placements in events say more than that?
Grego: I wouldn’t say content creation is a necessity for all types of players, but it is the logical path to take as a player in battle royale games. Really every player should try to do some form of content creation because it obviously increases your value as a player.
DES: What about your current team do you love the most?
Grego: Our team is really good about always talking through our decisions and getting on the same page with each other, everyone on the team wants to win. On top of that, we seem to just get along.
DES: Are there any upcoming events that we will get the chance to see you and your team compete in?
Grego: We don’t have anything set in stone right now, but be on the lookout on the C9 Twitter for announcements about us playing in upcoming tournaments.
DES: This interview has been great, Greg! Please tell everyone where we can find you online and where we can find your Apex content.
Grego: Thanks for having me! People can find me on Twitch, Twitter, as well as YouTube.
Published: Mar 21, 2019 07:17 pm