The Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel Madolche guide showcases what the deck does and how it plays. But this guide shows off how to do the main combo’s that will make players rage quit. Here is an in-depth Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel combo guide that will guarantee one-turn kill wins with Madolche.
The setup
The deck has four different cards that are capable of being the enabler of a full-combo that ends up clearing two cards the opposing player controls and then attacking for over 8000 damage. If a Madolche player sees any of these cards in their opening hand, they can do the combo under specific conditions.
Madolche Mageileine (if there are no monsters in your graveyard)
Madolche Petingcessoeur (if there are no monsters in your graveyard)
Madolche Hootcake (if there is a monster in your graveyard)
Madolche Anjelly (no restriction)
In other words, these are what are called “starter” cards. And since they are the combo starters, players want to maximize out and play three of each. As a result, this gives players a total of 12 different cards that win them the game if the combo goes off. For all of these combos the only requirement they all share is that there needs to be at least one Madolche Messengelato in the deck. Every combo summons two of them but the second monster can be any other level four Madolche monster. Each combo gets easier to perform if players open with any of the Madolche Spell or Trap cards along with their starter.
Combo with Madolche Anjelly

All that is needed for this combo is a single copy of Madolche Anjelly
- Summon Madolche Anjelly
- Activate effect, tribute and summon Madolche Petingcessoeur
- Activate Madolche Petingcessoeureffect, summon Madolche Puddingcess
- Overlay Madolche Petingcessoeur and Madolche Puddingcess for Madolche Teacher Glassouffle
- Activate Madolche Teacher Glassouffle effect detaching Madolche Petingcessoeur, target herself. Do not activate her second effect
- Summon Madolche Puddingcess Chocolat-a-la-mode using Madolche Teacher Glassouffle
- Activate Madolche Puddingcess Chocolat-a-la-mode’s effect to target the Madolche Petingcessoeur in the graveyard, shuffle the Madolche Petingcessoeur into the deck
- Activate the second effect of Madolche Puddingcess Chocolat-a-la-mode detaching Madolche Teacher Glassouffle to summon Madolche Hootcake from the deck
- Activate Madolche Hootcake’s effect targeting the Madolche Teacher Glassouffle, banish it and summon Madolche Messengelato from the deck
- Activate Madolche Messengelato’s effect to search Madolche Chateau
- Activate Madolche Chateau, shuffling the Madolche Anjelly in the graveyard back into the deck, this triggers Madolche Puddingcess Chocolat-a-la-mode
- Activate Madolche Puddingcess Chocolat-a-la-mode detaching Madolche Puddingcess to summon another Madolche Messengelato from the deck searching Madolche Salon
- Activate Madolche Salon
- Overlay the two Madolche Messengelato’s for Madolche Queen Tiaramisu
- Activate Madolche Queen Tiaramisu detaching a Madolche Messengealto and targeting Madolche Messengelato and Madolche Puddingcess, shuffle those into the deck and shuffle two cards the opposing player controls into the deck
- Madolche Salon triggers, set Madolche Promenade
- If there is another Madolche monster in hand, summon it using Madolche Salon. If not overlay a second Madolche Chocolat-a-la-mode using the Madolche Tiaramisu on the field.
- Proceed to battle phase and attack for game.

If the combo was done right it should have these cards on board: A Madolche Hootcake with 2000 attack, two Madolche Madolche Chocolat-a-la-mode each with 3000 attack which equals 8000 damage directly. The board should also have a Madolche Salon, Promenade and Chateau. All off of a single Madolche Anjelly.
Combo with Madolche Hootcake

All that is needed for this combo is a single copy of Madolche Hootcake with at least one monster in the graveyard
- Normal summon Madolche Hootcake
- activate effect by targeting the monster graveyard, banish it and summon Madolche Petingcessoeur from the deck
- Activate Madolche Petingcessoeur summoning Madolche Puddingcess from the deck
- Overlay Madolche Petingcessoeur and Madolche Puddingcess for Madolche Teacher Glassouffle
- Activate Madolche Teacher Glassouffle effect detaching Madolche Petingcessoeur, target herself. Do not activate her second effect
- Summon Madolche Puddingcess Chocolat-a-la-mode using Madolche Teacher Glassouffle
- Activate Madolche Puddingcess Chocolat-a-la-mode’s effect to target the Madolche Petingcessoeur in the graveyard, shuffle the Madolche Petingcessoeur into the deck
- Activate the second effect of Madolche Puddingcess Chocolat-a-la-mode detaching Madolche Teacher Glassouffle to summon Madolche Anjelly from the deck
- Activate Madolche Anjelly by tributing herself to summon Madolche Messengelato from the deck.
- Activate Madolche Messengelato and search Madolche Chateau
- Activate Madolche Chateau, shuffling the Madolche Anjelly in the graveyard back into the deck, this triggers Madolche Puddingcess Chocolat-a-la-mode
- Activate Madolche Puddingcess Chocolat-a-la-mode detaching Madolche Puddingcess to summon another Madolche Messengelato from the deck searching Madolche Salon
- Activate Madolche Salon
- Overlay the two Madolche Messengelato’s for Madolche Queen Tiaramisu
- Activate Madolche Queen Tiaramisu detaching a Madolche Messengealto and targeting Madolche Messengelato and Madolche Puddingcess, shuffle those into the deck and shuffle two cards the opposing player controls into the deck
- Madolche Salon triggers, set Madolche Promenade
- If there is another Madolche monster in hand, summon it using Madolche Salon. If not overlay a second Madolche Chocolat-a-la-mode using the Madolche Tiaramisu on the field.
- Proceed to battle phase and attack for game.

If the combo was done right it should have these cards on board: A Madolche Hootcake with 2000 attack, two Madolche Madolche Chocolat-a-la-mode each with 3000 attack which equals 8000 damage directly. The board should also have a Madolche Salon, Promenade and Chateau. All off of a single Madolche Hootcake.
Combo with Madolche Magileine

All that is needed for this combo is a single copy of Madolche Magileine with zero monsters in the graveyard.
- Normal Summon Madolche Magileine, activate her effect to search for Madolche Petingcessoeur
- Activate Madolche Petingcessoeur’s effect in hand to special summon herself
- Activate Madolche Petingcessoeurr effect, summon Madolche Puddingcess
- Overlay Madolche Petingcessoeur and Madolche Puddingcess for Madolche Teacher Glassouffle
- Activate Madolche Teacher Glassouffleeffect detaching Madolche Petingcessoeur, target herself. Do not activate her second effect
- Summon Madolche Puddingcess Chocolat-a-la-mode using Madolche Teacher Glassouffle
- Activate Madolche Puddingcess Chocolat-a-la-mode’s effect to target the Madolche Petingcessoeur in the graveyard, shuffle the Madolche Petingcessoeur into the deck
- Activate the second effect of Madolche Puddingcess Chocolat-a-la-mode detaching Madolche Teacher Glassouffle to summon Madolche Anjelly from the deck
- Activate Madolche Anjelly to summon Madolche Hootcake from the deck
- Activate Madolche Hootcake, targeting Madolche Teacher Glassouffle to summon Madolche Messengelato from the deck
- Activate Madolche Messengelato to search for Madolche Chataeu
- Activate Madolche Chateau to shuffle back the Madolche Anjelly in the graveyard, this triggers Madolche Puddingcess Chocolat-a-la-mode
- Activate Madolche Puddingcess Chocolat-a-la-mode detaching Madolche Puddingcess to summon another Madolche Messengelato from the deck searching Madolche Salon
- Activate Madolche Salon
- Overlay the two Madolche Messengelato’s for Madolche Queen Tiaramisu
- Activate Madolche Queen Tiaramisu detaching a Madolche Messengealto and targeting Madolche Messengelato and Madolche Puddingcess, shuffle those into the deck and shuffle two cards the opposing player controls into the deck
- Madolche Salon triggers, set Madolche Promenade
- If there is another Madolche monster in hand, summon it using Madolche Salon. If not overlay a second Madolche Chocolat-a-la-mode using the Madolche Tiaramisu on the field.
- Proceed to battle phase and attack for game.

If you did this combo correctly there should be four monsters on the board: A Madolche Magileine with 1900 attack, a Madolche Hootcake with 2000 attack and two Madolche Puddingcess Chocolat-a-la-mode with 3000 attack each. This equals 9900 damage and can be even higher if players add the Messengelato to hand instead of shuffling it back. Players can also make an additional Madolche Queen Tiaramisu as well with this version.
Combo with Madolche Petingcessoeur

All that is needed for this combo is a single copy of Madolche Petingcessoeur and zero monsters in the graveyard.
- Activate Madolche Petingcessoeur’s effect in hand to special summon herself
- Activate Madolche Petingcessoeur effect, summon Madolche Puddingcess
- Overlay Madolche Petingcessoeur and Madolche Puddingcess for Madolche Teacher Glassouffle
- Activate Madolche Teacher Glassouffle effect detaching Madolche Petingcessoeur, target herself. Do not activate her second effect
- Summon Madolche Puddingcess Chocolat-a-la-mode using Madolche Teacher Glassouffle
- Activate Madolche Puddingcess Chocolat-a-la-mode’s effect to target the Madolche Petingcessoeur in the graveyard, shuffle the Madolche Petingcessoeur into the deck
- Activate the second effect of Madolche Puddingcess Chocolat-a-la-mode detaching Madolche Teacher Glassouffle to summon Madolche Anjelly from the deck
- Activate Madolche Anjelly to summon Madolche Hootcake from the deck
- Activate Madolche Hootcake, targeting Madolche Teacher Glassouffle to summon Madolche Messengelato from the deck
- Activate Madolche Messengelato to search for Madolche Chataeu
- Activate Madolche Chateau to shuffle back the Madolche Anjelly in the graveyard, this triggers Madolche Puddingcess Chocolat-a-la-mode
- Activate Madolche Puddingcess Chocolat-a-la-mode detaching Madolche Puddingcess to summon another Madolche Messengelato from the deck searching Madolche Salon
- Activate Madolche Salon
- Overlay the two Madolche Messengelato’s for Madolche Queen Tiaramisu
- Activate Madolche Queen Tiaramisu detaching a Madolche Messengealto and targeting Madolche Messengelato and Madolche Puddingcess, shuffle those into the deck and shuffle two cards the opposing player controls into the deck
- Madolche Salon triggers, set Madolche Promenade
- If there is another Madolche monster in hand, summon it using Madolche Salon. If not overlay a second Madolche Chocolat-a-la-mode using the Madolche Tiaramisu on the field.
- Proceed to battle phase and attack for game.

If the combo was done right it should have these cards on board: A Madolche Hootcake with 2000 attack, two Madolche Chocolat-a-la-mode each with 3000 attack which equals 8000 damage directly. The board should also have a Madolche Salon, Promenade and Chateau. All off of a single Madolche Petingcessoeur and without needing to use a normal summon.
Published: Jan 28, 2022 05:08 pm