Fortnite Chapter 3: Season 3, Vibin’ is here. After some interesting twists and turns and lots of characters to unlock in Seasons 1 and 2, Season 3 is jam-packed with lots of surprises. Season 2 ended with Collision, a big party featuring an in-game video. If you missed the event, you can watch the full video below.
With Collision over, Season 3 has launched. There’s lots of your old favorite items returning to the game and plenty of new outfits. Here’s everything you need to know about the new season.
Fortnite Chapter 3: Season 3
The new season of Fortnite is called Vibin’. Whether this gives you chill music vibes, or good gamer vibes, the theme centers around a more lighthearted approach to the game. One of the first places players start with a new season is the battle pass. There are lots of fresh rewards on offer, including a Darth Vader skin that adds him to the growing collection of Star Wars in-game items. Epic Games have also announced that Indiana Jones will be available to unlock later in the season as an outfit.
Returning items
One of Fortnite’s best-known features is its love of rotating items through the game. Players will be excited to learn some of their favorite items are coming back for Vibin’. These include the Auto Shotgun, the Stinger SMG, Combat SMG, and Heavy Sniper returning from Season 2. There’s also the Marksman Six Shooter and Shadow Tracker returning from previous seasons. For a full list of all the weapons available this season, check out the Fortnite blog.
Another returning fan favorite is the ball, AKA Ballers. These single-person vehicles were originally introduced way back in Chapter 1: Season 8, though these aren’t the Ballers you’re used to. This new and improved version now allows players to travel on water. They also have additional health, and like all current Fortnite vehicles, they have battery charge. Keep an eye on your juice meter, or you’ll run out in a pinch.

Players can also ride their Baller in the new amusement park ride.
New items for Fortnite Season 3
While there are some returning favorites, there are also some new features. There are three new weapons: the Two-Shot Shotgun, Designated Marksman Rifle (DMR) and Hammer Assault Rifle. The shotgun only has two shots but boasts high damage. The DMR is a new scoped rifle that sits between an AR and a sniper rifle. The Hammer Assault Rifle has low damage but fires quickly, so you can definitely do a lot of DPS with this rifle if you hit your shots.
Weapons aren’t the only new features. Players will be able to “weed” plants for loot this season. Plant the Reality Seed to grow a Reality Sapling. Weed the sapling, and you’ll be rewarded with loot. This new feature requires some getting used to as players will need to monitor the health and status of their sapling.
Another fun new feature is the ability to ride animals. Players have piloted planes, cars, helicopters, shopping trollies and quad bikes, but never animals. Season 3 Chapter 3 will allow you to jump on the back of a wild wolf or boar to ride it, and you can shoot and throw weapons while riding.

Storm sickness is also a new feature in Vibin’. If players stay in the Storm too long, they’ll develop storm sickness. This will increase the rate at which the storm can affect you. Now, you’ll lose health more quickly the longer you remain away from the circle rather than taking static tick damage.
A Vibin’ new map
You’ll notice the map looks like something like what players are familiar with, but there are a few changes. Fan-favorite locations from the last chapter are staying, including Logjam Lumberyard and Chonker’s Speedway. There are some returning favorites from previous seasons as well, including Greasy Grove originally from Chapter 1: Season X, and Tilted Towers, first seen in Chapter 1: Season 2. Tilted Towers was a high-traffic and dangerous place in its heyday, so make sure you’re prepared if you’re planning to land in Tilted.

There are also some new locations which fit the Vibin’ vibe. You’ll find Reality Falls and Rave Cave along with other fun places to explore.
Improvements to sliding
Players will also be pleased to know sliding is still in the game with some improvements. You can now slide uninterrupted, even if you slide off a ledge. Remember sliding is limited, and you can still shoot while sliding.
Published: Jun 7, 2022 10:33 am