Popular South African comedian, Trevor Noah, joins the FIFA Global Series Face-Off competition. Trevor, whom you may know from The Daily Show with Trevor Noah, will compete with the likes of Donovan “Tekkz” Hunt, Lisa “NFG_Lisa” Manley and Olle “Ollelito” Arbin. This Face-Off Series is the first event totally geared towards the FIFA community, held on March 19 and 26.
Trevor is an active figure in the FIFA community. In 2019, he teamed up with Jimmy Conrad and Mike LaBelle for a show on Team of the Year XI. He also plays Weekend League and is experience in playing alongside pros. Trevor signed to host a gaming show for Quibi in 2020 known as “Player vs. Player With Trevor Noah.” The comedian also stated that he is one of the best non-professional FIFA players to exist. He posts some of his game plays with other celebrities on YouTube as well.
Details on the FIFA Global Series Face-Off Contest
The FIFA Face-Off event is part of the FIFA Global Series. In this series, fans get to connect with their favorite content creators. Interestingly enough, the FIFA Face-Off event had previously been restricted to celebrities and content creators. However, EA decided to allow the FIFA community members to partake in it as well in 2021.
At this FIFA Face-Off contest, top pro players, celebrities, and community members will come together to compete. However, only community members are eligible to receive those prizes.
Registration for the FIFA Global Series Face-Off ended on Feb. 19. Players entered through a video contest. All eligible contestants recorded and uploaded their videos with the hashtag #FIFAFaceoffContest. Popular FIFA content creators—like Edwin “Castro1021” Castro, Jack “Pie” Mc Dermott and Jamie “Bateson 87” Bateson—had the chance to choose their team. Players picked for the event were based on:
- FIFA backstory
- The best item they ever packed
- Their most impressive FIFA achievement
- Highest FUT Champions finish in the game
- Top goals or gameplay moments and reactions
The FIFA Face-Off is a great way to bring both celebrities, pros, and regular players together.
The winners of the video contest were notified on March 1. Furthermore, all the community members will win a limited edition Face-Off merch set. A community member will also be featured in the Twitch broadcast. The winners of the Face-Off will win their community members $25,000 worth of prizes. Regular community members all get a chance to play against or with Trevor depending on the group they fall in.
Published: Mar 3, 2021 01:45 pm