Overwatch 2 has now been released worldwide, giving players everywhere a chance to drop into the free-to-play sequel. While players have been struggling to actually get into games due to high queue times, this does give players a chance to tinker with their settings. Most notably, PC players can fiddle with their keybinds in Overwatch 2, which are an essential part of ensuring players have the highest chance for success. Even one misplaced keybind can cause players to lose a gunfight or cost their team a win.
While some keybinds will ultimately come down to personal preference, we’ve put a list together of the best starting keybinds for Overwatch 2. These keybinds can be used by players of any skill level and are fairly standard across the board. If you’re looking for a starting spot with your keybinds, these are the best ones to try out.
Best Overwatch 2 keybinds
We’ll be separating these keybinds by the categories they’re put into in the keybinds section of the Overwatch 2 menu on PC.
- Forward:Â W
- Back:Â S
- Left:Â A
- Right:Â D
- Crouch: C
- Jump:Â Space
Weapons and Abilities
- Ability 1:Â F
- Ability 2:Â E
- Ultimate/Ability 3:Â Q
- Primary Fire:Â Left Mouse
- Secondary Fire:Â Right Mouse
- Equip Weapon 1:Â 1
- Equip Weapon 2:Â 2
- Quick Melee:Â Middle Mouse Button
- Reload:Â R
- Next Weapon:Â Scroll Wheel Up
- Previous Weapon:Â Scroll Wheel Down
- Communication Menu: Left Ctrl
- Need Healing:Â X
- Group Up:Â G
- Ultimate Status:Â Z
- Acknowledge: Left Alt
- Ping – In World: Mouse Button 4
- Emote Menu:Â B
- Voice Line Menu:Â J
- Spray Menu:Â T
- Hide Chat:Â Shift + Ctrl + C
- Open Chat:Â Enter
- Reply to Whisper:Â Backspace
- Team Chat:Â T
- Voice Chat Push to Talk:Â V
While some of these keybinds can certainly be changed based on players’ muscle memory or preferences, they’re a solid foundation to build upon. Now, at the very least, when you do hop into Overwatch 2, most of your keybinds should be easily accessible and simple to remember.
Published: Oct 5, 2022 12:00 pm