Palworld is one of those games that lets you make things as difficult or easy as you like, and while there are plenty of options to do this natively in-game, mods can give it a major boost.
Since its arrival, there have been plenty of mods released for Palworld with some as significant as the removed Pokémon mod, to simple things like alleviating carry weight for items. Whatever it is, there’s probably a mod for it, and here are five of the best ones available today.
The best Palworld mods

The name of this mod should give away everything you need to know when installed this will unlock the complete Palworld map for you so you can see everything without having to have visited the locations before.
MapUnlocker can be extremely useful when starting a new world, or simply to get 100 percent map completion as that can be very difficult even with a flying mount. The best part: this works in multiplayer too!
Enhanced Palworld Visuals
While Palworld has its own distinct art style you might be after something a bit cleaner and that is where the Enhanced Palworld Visuals mod comes in. This can keep the same Palworld aesthetic while making the environment look a touch more stunning.
You can relax knowing that there isn’t anything crazy going on here, the mod simply disables some post-processing effects and adds others to give you a sharper, better visual look for the game.
Remove flying Stamina Cost
Stamina can be a pain when venturing Palworld, especially when doing so in the sky on a mount. We’ve all been there where we have a long journey in the sky and it abruptly ends as your mount plummets to the ground for a rest. This mod completely removed that problem.
By removing the flying stamina cost you can roam around in the sky as long as you like without ever falling to the ground. It’s a great addition to speed up your venturing through Palworld and simply make things a little more convenient.
More Stat and Technology Points
The More Stat and Technology Points mod might be the most impactful on our list. When this is active you can increase the amount of points you get for leveling up allowing you to maximize your stats and unlock new crafting patterns at a much faster pace.
If you’re just enjoying the creature catching and crafting and don’t want a challenge then this is a great mod to alleviate the stress of combat and other factors that impact the player.
No Food Decay
One of the most frustrating aspects of Palworld’s cooking system is food decay, but with this mod, you don’t need to worry anymore. As the name suggests, this will remove those pesky decay timers from your food and allow you to eat whenever you like. While it’s a minor mod it is still an extremely handy tool to give you relief from one other thing you’d be thinking about.
Published: Feb 5, 2024 08:20 pm