The last event of the first half of TFT: Reckoning has just wrapped up. The North American Mid-Set Finale brought together 32 of the best TFT players from across the region, to fight it out for a $20,000 prize pool and more importantly, four seats to the NA Regional Finals. The four day event was full of upsets and upcomers. Here are the top three stories emerging from NA’s biggest TFT: Reckoning tournament to date, the mid-set Finale.
Robinsongz proves tournament dominance once again
Team Liquid’s Robin “Robinsongz” Sung has been historically dominant when it comes to tournament play. With numerous tournament wins under his belt, Robinsongz was once again a favorite to take home the mid-set Finale title or at the very least, a top four spot. Although he didn’t win the overall event, Robinsongz came in second place. But that second place might be the most dominant second place finish in TFT history.
Throughout the four day event, Robinsongz never finished below fourth on any day. During day one he finished tied for second with 41 points. Day two saw him finish fourth with 37 points, while day three saw him place third with 38 points, but in the final he played even better.
In the top eight lobby he placed top four in five of the six games, which netted him 42 points. Unfortunately, the mysterious “Imissvoidsins” finished with an even more impressive 48 points to win the overall event. But for Robinsongz, he was just playing in this event for tournament practice, and the cash prize of course. For players like Imissvoidsins, a lot more was on the line.

At this event, placing top four means everything for most, as the reward for a top four finish means a ticket to the NA Regional Final. Robinsongz already had a ticket punched due to his ladder snapshot performance. But with another dominant tournament finish, Robinsongz’ ladder snapshot seat has been passed down.
Kurumx’ prayers are answered, gets spot at NA Regionals
The reigning North American TFT: Reckoning champion didn’t earn a spot to compete at the mid-set Finale, as his efforts were focused primarily on ladder play. However, as the snapshot season ended, Team Liquid’s Alex “Kurumx” Tompkins found himself on the outside looking in. Out of the 16 spots given to players for the NA Regional Finals, 10 are from the snapshots. Kurumx finished 11th. The remaining six are divided between the four earned at the mid-set Finale, and the final two from the set 5.5 ladder snapshots.
With no other options, Kurumx was forced to sit and wait. Due to rules on invites, The mid-set Finale takes precedent, meaning if a player had a snapshot invite and a mid-set Finale invite, the snapshot one would be passed down to the next eligible player. Since Robinsongz earned both, Kurumx has now been granted his snapshot seat. This is a wonderful gift from his Team Liquid teammate.
Another player who was on the outside looking in due to ladder snapshots, was veteran “SpencerTFT.” Unlike Kurumx, he competed in the Mid-Set Finale and clutched out a top four placement as well. Undoubtedly these two players were among the big winners from the final event of the first half of TFT: Reckoning.
Soju underperforms, season on the brink
Among the biggest losers of the event was one of TFT’s most popular players. Cloud 9’s Michael “k3Soju” Zhang has been at the top of the ladder through the entirety of TFT’s life span but in set five, he has struggled at times. Like Kurumx, and SpencerTFT, Soju barely missed out on the snapshot invites. With a regional this season having only 16 players, Soju, like many others, had their seasons on the line at the mid-set Finale.
Coming in as one of the favorites to win it all, all eyes were on Soju as he confidently declared that he would win this tournament. To the shock of everyone, he didn’t even make it out of day one. With only eight players missing the day two advancement, Soju placed an abysmal 28th place, with just 23 points. That means his average game placement comes to a little worse than fifth place. In fact, Soju only managed to get top four two the six games he played on day one.
Soju wasn’t the only popular player to falter on day one. “Emilywang”, “InikoIniko” and “jirachy” also failed to make it to day two. All four of these players only have one more shot at earning a spot at the NA Regional. With the big TFT Reckoning: Dawn of Heroes expansion hitting live servers on Wednesday, the race for the final two spots will start soon, as the ranked ladder snapshots for set 5.5 kick off shortly. Stay tuned to Upcomer for updates on who will be earning those last two slots following this TFT: Reckoning mid-set Finale.
Published: Jul 19, 2021 06:55 am