The final round of voting for Smash Ultimate Summit 6 has finished as James “VoiD” Makekau-Tyson has earned the penultimate spot at the Super Smash Bros. Ultimate invitational. Only one more spot at the tournament remains, which the highest-placing uninvited player at Collision 2023 will earn.
This iteration of the tournament will feature four vote-ins, including two newcomers to the series and two returning favorites. Here’s everything to know about the vote-ins who will compete at Smash Ultimate Summit 6 in March.
Smash Ultimate Summit 6 vote-ins: Hungrybox
Juan “Hungrybox” DeBiedma is best-known as a top-level Super Smash Bros. Melee player. Prior to the global health crisis, he spent three straight years at the top of the global rankings, and he is still a top five player in the world.
Hungrybox is perhaps second best-known as a Smash Ultimate content creator. Even so, there’s no denying that his results as an Ultimate competitor have been improving. Last season, he defeated the likes of Troy “BassMage” Waters, Dominic “T3 DOM” Carone, Anthony “MPg” Casale and Logan “H4” Ainsworth.
Notably, Hungrybox will become the seventh player to compete at both a Melee and Ultimate Summit. The first six were Adam “Armada” Lindgren, William “Leffen” Hjelte, Jason “Mew2King” Zimmerman, Joseph “Mang0” Marquez, Justin “Plup” McGrath and Eric “ESAM” Lew.
Friggin insanity
I'll help support Sonix as promised
But I want Naetoru to have this chance, his community clearly has heart
If Naetoru gets into Summit, I'll fly to France and host the first Euro Coinbox
I want us all to have the chance
— hungrybox (@LiquidHbox) February 18, 2023
Ultimate Summit 6 will mark Aaron “Aaron” Wilhite’s second time attending Summit as one of the vote-ins. He previously made his Summit debut as a vote-in at Smash Ultimate Summit 3. That tournament most notably saw Aaron overcome Gavin “Tweek” Dempsey 3-0 in the Diddy Kong ditto en route to a top-eight finish.
Despite accruing some bad losses in the first half of 2022, Aaron shored up his inconsistency completely last season, as he did not lose to anyone outside of the top 100. Meanwhile, he beat players like Paris “Light” Ramirez Garcia, Kolawole “SALTONE” Aideyan, Salvatore “Zomba” DeSena, Michael “Tilde” Tedesco and more.
182k votes.
All time vote record broken.
First Ultimate Summit player to get voted in twice.
GGs. See you in march #LetsGetWet @MoistEsports
— Aaron (@AaronFGC) February 20, 2023
French Pichu main Dylan “NaetorU” Renon will become only the fourth European player to compete at an Ultimate Summit, following Armada, Leffen and William “Glutonny” Belaid. NaetorU is ranked 89th in the world and is steadily rising up the ranks in Europe.
Some of the highlights of NaetorU’s previous season included his seventh-place finish at Colossel 2022 and his 25th-place finish at Double Down 2022. His best wins from the past year include SALTONE, Oliver “Bloom4Eva” Alexander, Pau “Sisqui” Caire, Santiago “Chag” Pérez Checchi, Arda “Raflow” Imrek and Abraham “MKBigBoss” Slane Parra.
Y'a trop trop de messages c'est impossible de tous vous répondre mais encore merci à tous pour tout ce soutien 🙏
Pas de stream aujourd'hui, peut-être demain mais jsuis bien tenté de me reposer une dernière fois avant de charbonner pendant un mois entier
Je vais les CHOQUER 🫡
— GL | NaetorU (@NaetorU_D) February 23, 2023
Smash Ultimate Summit 6 vote-ins: VoiD
VoiD was the last player to join the line-up of Ultimate Summit 6 vote-ins. This will be VoiD’s fourth Summit, with his last appearance being at Ultimate Summit 3 as a vote-in. At that event, he placed fifth after conquering the likes of Michael “Riddles” Kim, Enrique “Maister” Hernández Solís and Aaron.
However, VoiD has spent the past year focusing on content creation more so than Ultimate competition. As a result, he has not placed higher than 17th at any major in the past year. At Ultimate Summit 6, he will likely aim to prove he can still compete at a high level.
This @BTSsmash Vote system is the worst I've ever seen
Voting pass is a good idea, but this execution was terrible
Ran an honest campaign for almost the entire time, but seeing people randomly gain 10,000+ votes over night just wasn't it
Never campaigning again
— Void (@gsmVoiD) February 24, 2023
Published: Feb 26, 2023 11:10 am