The Ricci Securement Point Exploration isn’t all that difficult, though there is one fight in particular that’s going to test you if you want the hidden Mystical Crate here. Yup, it’s another Rosetta Mechanic, backed by a bunch of soldiers this time. But I managed, and if I could, so can you.
So here are all the crate locations, elite enemies and, of course, where to find the Mystical Crate at Ricci Securement Point.
Weapon and armor crates at Ricci Securement Point
For this run, we’re entering from the north-western entrance along the dirt road that takes you between the cliffs and up to the facility.

There are quite a few enemies here, so make sure you brought enough ammo. A sniper rifle is great for taking them out from a distance. Our first gear crate can be found straight after entering in this corrugated iron building.

There are also two storage crates and some materials to grab here, before we head up the stairs on the left-hand side (when entering the complex). Be sure to activate the Rift Anchor before going up though, as there are two of them here.
There are some enemies waiting at the top, so be on your guard. Take them out and go up more stairs straight ahead of you. There are more enemies here that are fairly easy to take care of. Go into the building on your right (there’s a staircase leading up from the back of the building by the army truck).

Inside the building you’ll find stairs leading down. Take these to find another gear chest and a hidden secret. The gear chest is inside this glass container, which you can open with the control panel as shown below.

It took a while to open, but I ran around a bit and it eventually did. Near this structure you’ll find a glowing object which turns out to be a footstep. And this is the secret of Ricci Securement Point.
How to solve the puzzle at Ricci Securement Point
Stand on the footstep and hit Q to activate space time. Once you can see the doll, don’t take your camera off of it. Walk around carefully, and enter the room without ever taking your camera off the doll.

Interact with the doll once you’re in the room to get a reward. There’s also a weapons crate in the doom, and a storage crate nearby. Grab those and head back up.
Now leave the building through the front door and grab a storage box on your right before heading down the stairs. You can enter the next part of the facility by taking a left along the fence and heading through the gap. Climb the tower on your right to make the Bruiser here a very easy fight.

There’s plenty to loot around here, so do all the looting you want before heading further.
Where is the Mystical Crate at Ricci Securement Point?
The building you want to go to is in the southern part of this area. Head into the complex here and go towards the big building behind the gates.

Now simply head inside the building where you’ll find a locked room with a weapons crate and the Mystical Crate inside. You’ll need a V2 Rosetta Access Card to open it, and these drop from elite enemies. So if you don’t have one, defeat the bruisers a few more times.

Where is the hidden Mystical Crate at Ricci Securement Point?
From the building with the Mystical Crate inside, head out the back door. You’ll see a ladder before you. Climb it, but be sure you’re ready for a tough fight.
Defeat the Rosetta Mechanic and the enemies on top, and then look around for the purple orb that’ll unlock the hidden Mystical Crate at Ricci Securement Point. Head over to it and jump down and glide, just make sure you get it. The Mystical Crate will be waiting for you at the bottom.

Activate the second Rift Anchor here, and your time at Ricci Securement Point is at an end. You can leave to the south and pick up a bit more loot from the building there before you go.
Now you have some options on where to go next. If you’re speed-running the game (for whatever reason), you could head straight to the Mirage Monolith and use our Mirage Monolith Exploration guide if you need any help there.
Or you could check out our Rippelby Exploration guide if you want to complete all the explorations in Iron River. Good luck, and remember to have fun!
Published: Jul 17, 2024 10:28 am