A fun feature of Fortnite is its banners, which you can use for your usernames and IDs. You can buy banners, but you’ll also have the chance to unlock banners as you play. Banners may seem a bit boring at first, but the rare ones have extra details and can be really cool.
Full of bold icons and detailed designs, these rare banners are a bit more difficult to locate. But having one of these banners is an excellent way to stand out. Here are the best ones from 2023 and 2024 so far.Â
23 Rarest Banners in Fortnite in 2024
Season 8 Discovery Challenges Banner

Here is the banner that Loose Station uses. The banner can only be obtained by completing every single weekly challenge in Season 8. You receive this banner as a reward after completing all Discovery Challenges in Battle Royale.
Vulture Banner

As part of its Season 2 offering, Chapter 1 offered the Tier 66 Vulture Banners for players that have already reached that level. In order to get Tier 66, it is a must to prove you were more than just a good battle royale player, and that you are a proficient player already.
League Station Banner

In order to get this banner, you will need to purchase the Founders Ultimate Edition. In the saddest of circumstances, this banner has long since gone off, and even worse, it costs about $5,000, which makes it extremely rare.
Dinosaur Skull Banner

As difficult as it was to reach Tier 66 during Season 2, it was even more challenging to reach Tier 99 during Season 3. In exchange for their hard work, players received a skull of a dinosaur as part of their banner. It was for those who were the original gamers of Fortnite and for those who have been playing for some time and had become proficient at it, such as NICKMERCS and Ninja.
Alpha Tester 11 Banner

For participating in a single Alpha playtest, anyone could earn the original Alpha Tester banner. A triangle with a hole on top and a pyramid with a lightning bolt down the middle made up that banner. In the end, that pyramid got many stars at the top, a ribbon at the bottom, and wings when you completed eleven (11) different alpha tests.
Villain Emblem Banner

Compared to the previous banner, obtaining this one is less challenging. It was in Season 4 that more players began playing Fortnite, and the game grew even more popular. A banner such as this is of particular significance to the Fortnite community since it carries a great deal of symbolic importance.
As the banner bears the villainous emblem, it is a clear indication that you are a serious threat. As far as we can tell, it appears to be a diamond, so we do not understand how it may appear to be villainous, but we are certain there is a connection.
Battle Bus Banner

Just reach level 10 to purchase the Battle Bus; it’s not hard to get. Getting this done back in Chapter 1, Season 1, was tough. When Fortnite first came out, spending money on it was a gamble because it wasn’t guaranteed it would be this successful. As you can see, you got a banner with a bus jamming to some music.
Cobra Banner

When you reached Season 5 battle pass’ Tier 88, the Cobra banner was unlocked. As far as banners go, this one features a single cobra that could to belong in Cobra Kai, a Netflix television series.
Twine Peaks Endurance Banner

Now that flingers can throw huskies, Twine Peaks Endurance is impossible to acquire. That means you’re one of the lucky ones if you’ve got this banner.
Glyph Banner

A Glyph banner was awarded only to players who completed the challenges under Road Trip during Season 5. While this year’s challenges are relatively easy, it is expected that players must complete them regardless, but during the initial stages of the game, it was difficult for the players to simply repeat their playing in order to complete them. There are only two letters visible in this glyph, which gives it the appearance of an ancient symbol.
Rattlesnake Banner

In the battle royale mode, the Rattlesnake banner is one of those rare banners that you can unlock as a reward after completing Tier 62 of the Season 3 Battle Pass.
TomatoHead Banner

While traversing through the challenges on Road Trip, a second banner could also be unlocked, The TomatoHead. Presently, Fortnite players are familiar with the figure of TomatoHead. However, in the past, it would have been difficult to determine the value of this banner. The banner is nothing more than TomatoHead’s head decorated with utensils in the manner of a homemade crown.
Into The Storm Banner

Save the World featured an event called Into The Storm, where players could earn a banner featuring a scorpion if they reached Power Level 70 by successfully completing the mission. There is something about the Scorpion that makes us think of the lone ranger out in the desert, ready to grab his Victory Royale before the other rangers arrive.
DJ Yonder Banner

It was possible to unlock DJ Yonder by participating in the Hunting Party series in the 6th season. As part of Season 6, among the variety of banners in the Hunting Party series that could be unlocked, DJ Yonder seemed to be the most attractive. Despite its futuristic appearance, it is in fact a llama, Fortnite’s symbolic animal since its launch. A pair of headphones is fitted to its ears, and it appears to be the most powerful beast around. If you have one, it is certainly one that should be displayed.
Complete Hit The Road Banner

In Save The World, there was an event called Hit The Road, during which you could unlock two banners. This banner is probably one of the sweatiest banners to be created. The banner with the radio tower emitting electricity was given to you when you completed the Power Level 140 mission without damaging your truck.
If you see a player with this banner, you should make sure you avoid them since they have proven that they are unbelievably good at Fortnite. The fact that this banner has been unavailable since 2019 further adds to its rarity.
Paragon Banner

In case you are unfamiliar with Paragon, it was Epic’s previous game prior to discovering Fortnite would bring them an enormous amount of income. As a result, people and resources were pulled out, and Fortnite was able to kill it as soon as it was released. As a condition of obtaining the banner, Paragon had to be played once during the time that Fortnite was available. The banner could only have been obtained by playing the game from around 2017 to 2018.
Plays Well With Others Banner

In Save The World, the only way to get the Plays Well With Others Banner was to complete 1,000 missions in Play With Others. It’s a lofty request, but it’s also a banner that shows that you may have friends, and you don’t need to prove that if you’ve played that many missions.
Epic Games Banner

If you see a player walking around with a banner, you should behave yourself. If you wish to obtain it, you must be an Epic Games employee. Because of this, it’s exceptionally rare, and you should stop playing and set up a fresh account whenever you kill somebody with this banner while using hacks.
Level 500, Chapter 2, Season 1 Banner

This Banner is rare in Battle Royale that is only given to players who have reached Level 500 during Chapter 2 in Season 1. Considering that some of the league players use this banner, we can consider it to be a rare find of good stuff.
Holiday Survival on Hard Banner

The following chilling banner is awarded to you if you successfully completed surviving the hard mode of Holiday Survival. It resembles a skull with crossbones. However, the bones are made of peppermint sticks, and the skull is crowned. A vertical line of three circles appears in the Fortnite’s Chinese version.
Daily Dungeons Champion Banner

While many banners can be obtained for completing the Dungeons series, the banner for Dungeons Champion is the rarest. Once all Dungeons have been completed at Power Level 140, players gain access to the Dungeons Champion banner. By completing the banner, you have proven your worth to the world. It is basically a gatehouse that radiates power.
Survival Stonewood Banner

An image on the Stonewood Survival banner shows a skull with crossed eyes on fire. The crosses inside the skull’s eyes would tell us that it is not alive. It could be obtained by completing Save The World mode, Stonewood mission. There are very few banners for Save The World because it is not as popular as battle royale.
Buried Snowman

There were many banners that players could earn during the Frostnite series under Save The World mode, but one stood out above the rest. As part of Challenge 3 during week two in Frostbite 2018, the Buried Snowman banner could only be obtained if you survived for 30 minutes. A second attempt at unlocking this banner in Frostnite 2019 was possible if you completed the Final Frost challenge.
More Banners sure to Come
As Fortnite continues its domination of the battle royale scene (with up to 1.6 million players per day), there are sure to be plenty more banners down the line. Make sure to keep a lookout for any that might someday be super rare.
For more on Fortnite, check out how to find brutes in Lego Fortnite (if you play it, of course).
Published: Mar 23, 2023 11:46 am