Call of Duty: Warzone 2 introduced a plethora of new mechanics and features into an already content-filled battle royale experience. From a new Gulag to a completely fresh map, players have spent the first couple of days absorbing every piece of content they can in Warzone 2. However, perhaps the most notable addition to the game that has already made headlines is proximity chat. This was a long-awaited feature for Warzone, as players desperately wanted to hear what their opponents had to say during the middle of a game. Although, some players might get sick of proximity chat, in which case they’ll need to know how to disable it in Warzone 2.
Proximity chat allows players with a microphone to be heard by anyone within a close radius. This includes their teammates as well as their opponents who happen to be in the area. This feature has already spawned hilarious clips of enemies begging for their life while downed and players talking to enemies when they know they are locked in a room or building. However, sometimes proximity chat can go over the top or simply be annoying/offensive. In those cases, players can turn off the feature with a simple click of a button.
Turning off proximity chat in Warzone 2
The first step you’ll need to take is to open Warzone 2 and head to the main lobby screen. Here, open up your settings and then move to the Audio tab. In this tab, scroll down until you see the option for Proximity Chat. On this option, switch it from on to off. Then, apply the settings, exit out, and enter a Warzone 2 match. You’ll find that you can’t hear anyone except for your teammates, unless you also have voice chat completely turned off as well.
If you ever change your mind about proximity chat, then you can follow the same steps to re-enable it.
Published: Nov 18, 2022 12:40 pm