The Shadow Hound can deal massive damage, and his annoying Dusk Orbs can chip your health away pretty quickly. His attacks can be difficult to get away from, too, so you’re in for a tough fight if this is your first time taking him on.
However, you can easily solo him with the right strategy. Having a good build helps a lot too. So here’s how to beat the Shadow Hound in Once Human with ease.
Starting the Shadow Hound boss fight
As you enter, you’ll have the usual cut scene. Once that’s over, head straight for the portal closest to you.

Once you’re there, start attacking and be sure to hit him in the head, which is his weakspot (and it’s massive). Burst him down as much as you can here, but keep a close eye on him. If he begins to charge at you, run through the portal. Beware, these portals are one-sided, so you have to run through this first portal from the direction you approached.
This will teleport you to the other side of the battlefield and effortlessly avoid the Shadow Hound’s attack. Immediately head toward the other portal, which is on the other side of the battlefield (diagonally) from the first portal.
Once you’re here, start attacking him again. Repeat this to avoid any more charge attacks. When he goes underground, wait for him to approach and then go through the portal again. If he charges at you, same thing. His beam attack that he shoots from his mouth doesn’t have great reach, so you should be fine as long as you stay on the other side of the battlefield.
How to deal with Shadow Hound’s Immunity Phase
When Shadow Hound gains immunity, he’ll spawn a “mouth” on either shoulder. In order to continue damaging him, you’ll have to attack each mouth several times.

This will cause them to explode and you’ll be able to deal damage again. He’ll also spawn some Dusk Orbs in the sky. If this is your first time fighting him, take them out to get the season goal. Otherwise you can ignore them as long as you keep moving. They’ll shoot pretty slow-moving projectiles at you, so as long as you’re moving they’re nothing to worry about.
If you’re running something like Fortress Warfare which requires you to remain in one spot, take out the orbs every time.
Tips for the rest of the fight
There’s one attack in particular to watch out for, and that’s when the Shadow Hound jumps into the air and starts spinning. Shoot him down as quickly as possible here, since the resulting attack can easily one-shot you. Once he falls, you’ll be able to deal free damage while he struggles on the ground.

And that’s it. This boss is actually pretty easy overall, and there’s not much to think about. This changes a little when you face him on hard more or pro mode.
Beating Shadow Hound on higher difficulties
In Hard and Pro mode, Shadow Hound will spawn smaller elite enemies to fight alongside him. If you’re going in solo, which I don’t recommend, then take out these elites first. They can be pretty annoying if you don’t.
The rest is all the same. Keep rotating between portals, and do your best to not let him get his spinning attack off, or you’ll be down for the count.
The reason I don’t recommend taking this fight solo is because, while it isn’t difficult, you just end up using way more bullets than if you have a team to help out. And we all know that bullets can be pretty expensive until you’ve got your passive acid farm running.
And that’s all. You’re ready to tackle the Shadow Hound and take him down with ease. If you’re having trouble, you might want to check out my Shrapnel build guide or my Power Surge build guide, since both of those builds will have you downing him quickly.
If you want to farm Shadow Hound repeatedly, the best build for that is definitely the Fast Gunner weakspot build. Good luck out there.
Published: Aug 26, 2024 04:14 am