Defeating the Giant in Once Human can be quite intimidating at first, with his powerful attacks and plenty of extra enemies around. That said, when you know what you’re doing, it’s actually pretty easy to beat him, even solo.
Here’s how.
How to beat the Forsaken Giant in Once Human – Step by Step

Step 1: Choose your build
The first thing to be aware of is that the Forsaken Giant is immune to status damage. I was lucky enough to discover that myself, after taking my super burst-damage Power Surge build in there. If you know a thing or two about builds, you’ll know that Power Surge has very little weapon damage to offer!
I recommend taking an Unstable Bomber, Shrapnel, or Fast Gunner build with you to face the Giant.
For this guide, I used Fast Gunner. Here’s a comprehensive Fast Gunner crit build guide if you’d like to build it out for yourself. It helped me to beat the Giant solo, and deal more damage than an Unstable Bomber in a duo.

And that was before it was even optimized. Shrapnel is arguably easier to use, so if you’d like to build that instead, here’s a Shrapnel build guide by yours truly that should see you through the fight in no time.
Step 2: Understand the Forsaken Giant’s mechanics
There are a few attacks that the Giant has that you’ll need to look out for. The first is a slam, where he’ll raise one harm and slam it down on the battlefield. If he’s aiming at you, you’ll have to run to the side and dodge before he hits, and then you’ll also need to jump over the damaging shockwave that the slam causes.

The next attack he’ll throw your way is an arm sweep. He’ll sweep one of his arms across the entire battlefield. The best way to avoid this is to sprint to the opposite side from where the attack started, where you’ll find a small pocket of safety.

Another attack is where he summons a kind of blob in front of him, and then hits your with a lot of smaller blobs that cause damage, before hitting you with the big one. This is similar to the Glutton’s seeking blob attack. I’m really not sure what else to call it!

Finally, he has an attack that deals damage and causes pools of damaging liquid all over the battlefield. More blobs are involved — but this attack is avoidable. It happens just after he starts crying. While crying, his tears will turn into deviants, which you can then defeat to drop orbs.
While the Giant clutches his stomach in preparation for this next attack, throw one of the orbs at him to interrupt it and keep the battlefield acid-free. Trust me, you’ll want to get this right. Those acid pools (or whatever they are) hurt!

The final thing to keep in mind is that additional enemies will spawn in. These include some normal deviants, Arbiters, and flying enemies. Try to deal with these as quickly as possible. The Arbiters have their stun attacks which can be very annoying, the flying enemies will constantly be shooting at you, and the normal deviants are just a pain. Take them out!
Step 3: Know when to attack
Once you start shooting at the Giant, you’ll realize that your attacks do just about zero damage. That’s because to damage the Giant, you have to hit him in Weakspots. So whenever a weakspot it visible, attack it with all you’ve got.
He’ll have a weakspot on his shoulder while executing the slam attacks, and one on his hand during the sweeping attacks. The Weakspot also shifts to his head and stomach during the fight.

Step 4: Avoid Damage
You’ll want to avoid damage as much as you can. You might also want to take some of your best Canned Lunch Meat in there to help bolster your HP, else the slam attack, if it hits you, is a 1-shot. That’s because the slam hits you and the shockwave it causes hits you as well.
Step 5: Don’t break the Battlefield
At some point during the fight, a message will appear on screen that read “The Giant is about to destroy the battlefield.” This is your cue to run to either side of the battlefield. You’ll see a red glow around you, and when it stops, run!

That’s when the giant hits his powerful slam attack (this one doesn’t cause a shockwave) that damages the platform you’re standing on. Each side of the battlefield (left, right, and center) can take three hits before being destroyed.
This means you’ll have to remember how many hits each side has left. It’s best to focus on one side for two hits and the center for one during the first round of this attack, and then the same for the next round. That way, you’ll keep your whole battlefield until the end of the fight.
If you are using a good weapon-damage-based build, you should never reach a third round of this.
Step 6: Revive a few times
Look, I’m not the best gamer out there, but if I do say so myself, my Fast Gunner build is quite strong and perfect for the Giant. Even so, when facing him solo, I tend to use all my Rift Shots by the end of the fight.
So if you do go down, don’t panic. Pop a Rift Adrenaline Shot and keep fighting! You’ll get him. And even if you run out, you’ll get it in a few tries.
Just don’t run towards the Giant — you can fall off the platform and no Rift Shots can help you then!

Playing with a party
Fighting the Giant with randoms can actually be more challenging than if you go solo. That’s because if you don’t know the mechanics, you can quickly lose a part of your battlefield and that really complicates things.
But even with a good duo, the fight can be quite easy.
Good luck, and if you need a good Weapon DMG build, check out my Shrapnel Build guide, or my Fast Gunner build guide for Crit DMG, which is the build I used for this fight.
Published: Sep 11, 2024 03:43 am