The Samsung Galaxy’s Note 9 will launch on August 9 in an event known as Samsung Unpacked 2018. It looks like buyers will also unpack something additional in their device. Reports indicate that the Galaxy Note 9 will come with Fortnite already installed and ready for play. The Android version of the game will be exclusive to the device for the first 30 days.
Samsung’s Galaxy Note 9 is touted as a phone made for mobile gaming. It has a longer battery life and purportedly will not overheat. That’s a big plus for anyone looking to play games on their phone for hours. Fortnite is, perhaps, the icing on the cake. The game has been extremely successful for the iOS, earning $100 million in 90 days.
It looks like the entire Samsung Unpacked 2018 event might be based around Fortnite. Likewise, Samsung and Epic Games may bring in top player Tyler “Ninja” Blevins to help promote the event. After all, “Ninja” has millions of followers on social media and on Twitch. He can definitely bring more eyes to the product with his participation.
Will Fortnite find as much success with the Galaxy Note 9 and other Android devices? We’ll see. As always, Daily Esports will keep you updated with coverage as the Fortnite juggernaut keeps on rolling for Android devices.
Published: Jul 28, 2018 11:59 am