If you’re having an issue where you can’t access your chest inventory from your crafting bays in Once Human, don’t fear. This is most likely a bug and will be remedied with a hot fix soon.
Update: The solution to be able to access your crate inventory from your crafting bays again is to simply move your base. Move it, then move it back, and you’re good to go! I’ve tested it, and can confirm that it’s a working fix.
The new patch has only just released, and some instability is always expected. However, if there’s one thing we can be sure of, it’s that Starry Studios won’t let us down. They’ve been excellent at squashing bugs in no time at all.

At least, we sure hope it’s a bug. Can you image digging around for resources every time we need to craft something? Ouch.

Simply use their official Discord channels in order to reports any bugs to the development team, and you can be sure they’ll get right on it.
Another bug people are experiencing is being unable to chop down trees. This will likely also be solved quite soon. In the meantime, try keep yourself busy by exploring some of the new features contained in the patch.
In case you’re not sure which features to look out for, I’ve done a breakdown on the September 12 Once Human patch here. You can also see the full patch notes on Once Human’s Steam page.
Stay tuned for more on Once Human, as us at Upcomer have grown quite fond of this awesome game. I’ll see you around the Silos!
Published: Sep 12, 2024 04:29 am