Team Liquid will host a 100 Megaman collaboration event on October 2, featuring New York City-based pop-rock band Anamanaguchi. The “100 Megaman Extravanganza” event will bring a hot twist to The Box’s Super Smash Bros Ultimate tournament series. Players will battle it out for a $1,000 prize pool while relaxing to some tunes and great gameplay.
How many Megamen might be too many?
This fun new event will begin on October 2 at 6 PM PT / 9 PM ET. It will feature over 256 players that will be fighting their way to the top eight spots. Additionally, viewers may see some familiar faces participate, such as The Box regulars Juan “Hungrybox” DeBiedma and Samuel “Dabuz” Buzby. The event will also feature Megaman mains such as ScAtt, Peabnut, and Morpheus. Winners will take home their share of the $1,000 prize pool, as well as the best Mega Man in Ultimate online. The following is a prize pool breakdown:
1st Place: $400
2nd Place: $200
3rd Place: $150
4th Place: $100
5th Place: $50
7th Place: $25
Some starting pick stages include Pokémon Stadium 2, Smashville, and Final Destination.
Chill tunes and Megamen
Anamanaguchi will also be joining in, providing music and relaxing vibes throughout the stream. The American chiptune-based pop and rock band had previously composed the original soundtrack to Ubisoft’s Scott Pilgrim vs. the World: The Game in 2010, and is comprised of four lead songwriters and guitarists: Peter Berkman and Ary Warnaar, bassist James DeVito, and drummer Luke Silas.
Team Liquid also created this tournament to highlight “one of the most unique characters on the smash roster.” The Box held previous Smash tournaments that took place in the Summer, including the Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Singles tournament.
Interested fans can watch the Megaman Smash event stream on Team Liquid’s official Twitch channel or on Hungrybox’s stream once the tournament reaches the top eight at 9:20 PM ET. The official event page provides more details regarding the official bracket and attending players.
Published: Oct 2, 2020 10:43 am