The Super Smash Bros. community ostracized many prominent members, including Nairoby “Nairo” Quezada, after sexual misconduct allegations arose this summer. However, Nairo denied the accusations against him on October 28 in his first public statement since July.
My Statement
Text Version:
— Nairo (@NairoMK) October 28, 2020
Previously, Zack “CaptainZack” Lauth claimed that when he was 15, he had engaged in oral sex with a 20-year-old Nairo. After CaptainZack posted a TwitLonger describing the encounter, Nairo published an apology and deactivated his Twitter account shortly thereafter.
But in his most recent statement, Nairo has claimed that CaptainZack perpetrated each instance of sexual misconduct in 2017. Nairo alleged that CaptainZack forcefully performed oral sex on him on one occasion and blackmailed him into accepting oral sex on a second occasion. In addition, Nairo said he paid CaptainZack large sums of money three times from 2019 to 2020, as he feared CaptainZack might blackmail him otherwise. However, he denied that this was “hush money” meant to silence CaptainZack.
Nairo ultimately claimed that CaptainZack raped him, contrary to the story that circulated in July. He also revealed that he had gone through therapy and that he intended to continue doing so.
More about Nairo’s sexual misconduct denial
Nairo confirmed in his statement that he intended to take legal action. While this would presumably be a defamation case, Nairo did not clarify the specific kind of legal action he’d take. In addition, Nairo shared a statement from his lawyer, Trey Flynn of NeJame Law. In it, Flynn revealed that the firm was prepared to defend Nairo if any sexual misconduct charges were filed against him.
Nairo also described a 30-page document of evidence he planned to use in court. While he has not made the document public, he has shared it with some of his close friends. These friends, including James “VoiD” Makekau-Tyson and Brian “Cosmos” Kalu, have gone to Twitter to express their support for Nairo.
I have seen the 30 page document and the evidence spoken of here. I won't be saying much else about the situation as I legally can't.
I'd appreciate it if you guys could at least give this a read. I believe Nairo & support his voice.
— Void (@gsmVoiD) October 28, 2020
I have read through the 30 page document, and seen the evidence, so I can confirm that it does exist. I am legally bound from saying anything more, but I believe Nairo.
I am here to I support his voice, so if you will, please just read through it, it really won't take long.
— Cosmos (@CosmosZR) October 28, 2020
Published: Oct 29, 2020 08:30 am