The cat is out of the bag and skill-based matchmaking (SBMM) is here to stay in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. A large portion of the community knows the mechanic exists and is obviously not happy about it. However, data shows that SBMM helps out more players than it hurts. So, while the top tier of players struggle, the bottom tier thrives in lobbies with players of similar skill. Essentially, if you have a kill/death ratio of .40, you will be placed with other .40 K/DR players. This information has leaked out into the larger community and started a negative trend in Modern Warfare. Now, in order to get easier lobbies, players are reverse-boosting.
Reverse-boosting at an all-time high
Reverse-boosting is basically killing yourself over and over. By committing suicide an inordinate amount of times, you will be placed in much easier lobbies. The enemies around you will have a K/DR similar to yours, which is extremely low thanks to the reverse-boosting.
While this seems harmless at first, this completely negates what Infinity Ward is trying to accomplish. By implementing skill-based matchmaking, Infinity Ward is trying to retain those newer players who might not be that skilled. However, those newer players are having their lobbies infiltrated by a plethora of reverse boosters.
If we take a look at the below chart, with credit to u/TheRealestRealJesus, we can see the players with the most suicides so far in Modern Warfare.
I think reverse boosting is getting out of hand now
byu/TheRealestRealJesus inmodernwarfare
Obviously, a normal player will not commit suicide this many times. In fact, it’s rare to see a figure of 1,000 suicides, let alone from 7,000-267,000. Thanks to, we can see exactly how many times each Modern Warfare player has committed suicide. If a user has above 2,000 suicides, it’s fair to assume they’re reverse-boosting.
This kind of mechanic is not good for gameplay or Modern Warfare as a whole. Players should be actually playing the game, not killing themselves over and over in an attempt to find easier lobbies. However, skill-based matchmaking makes the community perform crazy feats.
Infinity Ward hasn’t said anything about the issue yet, or skill-based matchmaking for that matter. They are most likely required to keep quiet about the situation, so it’s doubtful we’ll hear anything from the developer anytime soon.
What do you think of this situation? Let us know, and keep up with Daily Esports for all Modern Warfare coverage.
Published: Nov 29, 2019 06:55 pm