Hearthstone Masters Tour Dalaran will begin on June 18, with more than 400 players from over 40 countries duking it out in the third Masters Tour of 2021. This tournaments follows Masters Tour Ironforge and Masters Tour Orgrimmar.
What’s at stake
A prize pool of $250,000 will be on the line. Additionally, the top 12 point earners of the Masters Tour events will receive invitations to the second season of Hearthstone Grandmasters 2021.

The matches will use the Conquest format alongside a ban of one of four decks. Players with the top best-of-five score in each match will proceed further into the tournament. The top 32 players of this event who don’t already have an invitation to Masters Tour Silvermoon will also receive one.
Masters Tour Dalaran schedule
The matches for Hearthstone Masters Tour Dalaran will begin on June 18 at 8 p.m. ET. The first day will include five rounds of Swiss-style matches. On June 19, four more rounds of the Swiss format will be followed up by a top 16 single-elimination round. The tournament will cumulate on its third day, where the top eight players will clash in the playoff matches. A new Masters Tour Champion will be crowned after the finals.

How to get free card packs
During Hearthstone Masters Tour Dalaran, viewers earn card packs through YouTube drops. One Year of the Phoenix card pack can be obtained by watching two hours of gameplay on a qualifying channel. To earn the second card pack, viewers must watch another two hours. The hours watched are cumulative throughout the tournament.

Qualifying YouTube channels include the following:
- English (Hearthstone)
- English (HearthstoneEsports)
- Portuguese (LATAM)
- Spanish (LATAM)
- Japanese
- Korean
- Mandarin
To earn these card packs, viewers must visit the settings section and click on the “connected apps” tab. They must then click the “connect” button located beside Battle.net. After that, the Blizzard and YouTube accounts will be connected, making the viewer eligible for YouTube drops.
Published: Jun 14, 2021 03:01 pm