Pokémon UNITE has launched with a plethora of different customization options for players’ in-game avatar and a few skins for Pokémon. Most customization options are currently for trainers and consist of the standard Pokémon sets of clothes, hats and outfit.
Here is how to unlock skins and accessories in Pokémon UNITE.
After a unique look? Trainers can change up their appearance through a variety of customization options, including outfits to help you land a style that’ll impress friends and foes alike. #PokemonUNITE pic.twitter.com/kcargJZs8L
— Pokémon UNITE (@PokemonUnite) July 16, 2021
How to get Pokémon skins
Pokémon skins are currently only available through the in-game store and the battle pass. For the battle pass, there is only one skin available for Season 1, and it is the final reward at level 90. The skin is a pirate themed outfit for Cinderace.

For the shop, players will need to navigate to the Zirco Trading shop within the shops menu. Pokémon UNITE skins are currently only available for purchase with Aeos gems which can be purchased with real money, in-game. There are some skins worth as little as 350 Aeos gems and others worth as much as 1,200 Aeos gems.

Another way to get skins is through Holowear Tickets. These tickets are in-game currency only used to purchase specific skins in the Zirco Trading shop. Holoware Tickets are not easily obtainable at the moment. Players can only earn them by finishing the battle pass and ranking up again, the game will then give players a random battle pass chest that may hold Holowear Tickets. The other option is through energy rewards. Players receive energy points for participating in matches. Once at 100 energy points, players can use those points in the energy rewards section of the main menu to receive random prizes. According to gamewith.net, the drop rate for 10 Holowear Tickets is 3%.
How to get trainer accessories
Trainer accessories are infinitely easier to obtain than Pokémon skins. Players can purchase accessories in the shops menu in the Aeos Emporium shop. These items can be purchased using Aeos Gems or Aeos tickets. The tickets are obtained through playing matches and leveling up either their trainer, the battle pass (free and paid versions) or by completing in-game events, this game’s version of missions. Just like with Pokémon skins, some items are only obtainable through a specific currency — Fashion Tickets. This currency can also be obtained through energy rewards by completing Research Institute missions. Players can find the missions in the events menu from the main menu.

Players can purchase full sets of clothing or individual items. The shop currently has, hats, jackets, shirts, pants, socks, shoes, backpacks and gloves. Trainer cosmetics can also be earned through the battle pass and by completing missions and events. After a few matches, players should be able to collect a few different cosmetics through the battle pass and daily, or weekly, missions and events.
Published: Jul 21, 2021 05:44 pm