Blizzard has just announced Hearthstone: Saviors of Uldum as its newest expansion. Scheduled to launch on Aug. 6, Saviors of Uldum will feature the League of Explorers, who must work together to thwart the ongoing plans of Arch-Villain Rafaam and his League of E.V.I.L.
Although shenanigans will be on the rise in the deserts of Uldum, familiar faces like Brann, Elise, Reno, and even Sir Finley will be tasked to save the world while unearthing treasures.
“Starting with Rise of Shadows, and now with Saviors of Uldum, we’re refining game mechanics and exploring new ideas that will add even more layers of depth and strategic decision-making to Hearthstone,” said J. Allen Brack, the president of Blizzard Entertainment. “We think these new cards, as well as the return of fan-favorite heroes from the League of Explorers expansion, will continue making this the game’s most exciting and competitive year ever.”
Along with highlighting these characters, the new expansion will have 135 new Hearthstone cards, new mechanics, and added game features. For instance, a new keyword, “Reborn,” will be featured in the new expansion, which will make minions stay on the board longer. Minions who have the Reborn keyword, like Restless Mummy, will return to the board the first time they’re destroyed, but with one health remaining.
Another feature in Saviors of Uldum will be Plagues, which are spells that can be used by the Priest, Shaman, Warrior, Warlock, and Rogue classes. These cards will be able to affect every minion on the board.
For Hearthstone players who enjoy Quests, there will be new ones like Untapped Potential and Supreme Archaeology. Just like the current Quest cards, these Legendary cards cost one mana and begin in the player’s hand. When a player completes their quest, they will be rewarded with a new Hero Power.
As more hidden treasures of the upcoming expansion get revealed in the upcoming weeks, Hearthstone players will get introduced to new cards. In the official announcement, the cards Questing Explorer, Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron, EVIL Totem, and Jar Dealer were revealed.
In addition, within the first 90 days of the new expansion’s launch, Hearthstone players will receive a random Legendary Quest card upon login. As for single player content, the Saviors of Uldum Solo Adventure is scheduled to launch in September.
Hearthstone players can now pre-purchase two different bundles. The first bundle contains 80 Saviors of Uldum card packs, the Elise Starseeker card back, a random Saviors of Uldum Golden Legendary card, and Elise Starseeker as a new Druid Hero. The other bundle contains 50 Saviors of Uldum card packs, a random Saviors of Uldum Golden Legendary card, and the Elise Starseeker card back.
For players who cannot wait until the launch date to open their card packs, they can head to a pre-release event between Aug. 2 and 5. These events can be found on Hearthstone’s Fireside Gatherings page.
Published: Jul 1, 2019 04:18 pm