Week 3 Day 1 of the Hearthstone Grandmasters Season 1 live broadcasts kicked off on April 23. Throughout the day, the top eight players of each region duked it out against each other for a spot in the quarterfinals.
Unlike the previous week, this week uses the specialist format. This means players must have three decks from the same class alongside card variations.
Hearthstone Grandmasters Asia-Pacific recap
Kim “Surrender” Jung-soo started the day off strong against Li “TIZS” Ching Li. Surrender chose Rogue to go up against his opponent’s Demon Hunter decks.
Both players used their respective primary decks in the first match, with Surrender controlling the board in the early game. TIZS went for the full board clear later on with the help of Immolation Aura. However, Surrender didn’t give in, even as his Alexstrasza the Life-Binder minion got taken down and he had a low health total.
Surrender used Shadowstep on Wand Thief, which gave him Fireball. He then played Primordial Studies and received Bloodmage Thalnos. This gave him the damage required for lethal with two Wicked Stab (Rank 3) cards and a Fireball to the face.
Surrender then earned another victory by drawing into two Olgra, Mankrik’s Wife cards that went face for exact lethal. With a score of 2-0, he will head into the Week 3 quarterfinals.
Up next was Kim “che0nsu” Cheonsu versus Chiang “Alan870806” Shih-Hsun. While che0nsu brought Demon Hunter this week, his opponent opted for the Warrior class.
Alan870806 achieved victory in the first game, but che0nsu tied the score in game two. The final match between them involved an early game where Alan870806 buffed the minions in his hand and cleared his opponent’s board to prepare for Ogremancer.
After playing Ogremancer, Alan870806 had multiple minions on his side of the board to go face. However, che0nsu played his second Skull of Gul’dan along with Chaos Strike, Talented Arcanist and Immolation Aura to clear the entire board.
Despite this, Alan870806 continued to build pressure by playing more minions. He soon claimed the win as che0nsu’s key combo piece, Il’gynoth, was at the bottom of his deck.
The next set of games involved Sato “glory” Kenta and Liu “Shaxy” Wei-Chieh. While glory chose Warrior, Shaxy went for Demon Hunter.Â
The first win went to glory and his opponent tied the score 1-1 in the next one, which meant it all came down to game three. Although glory had the board in the mid to late game alongside E.T.C., God of Metal, Shaxy cleared the board and drew into his combo pieces. This gave him lethal with 40 damage to his opponent.
Following this game, Cho “Hi3” Wongyeong and Jang “DawN” Hyun Jae duked it out against each other.Â
The victory went to the latter player as he earned a score of 2-1 with his Warlock decks against his opponent’s Warrior variants. While Hi3 developed his side of the board in the late game, it wasn’t enough, as DawN cleared it using Twisting Nether and pushed damage to face.
Hearthstone Grandmasters Europe recap
After a break, the next region’s top eight players fought for a spot in the quarterfinals. Both Martin “Zhym” Prête and Théo “Felkeine” Dumont opened up with Mage decks.
The first game went to the latter player after he flung spell after spell. He achieved lethal with the help of two Fireballs and a Runed Orb to the face. Felkeine took the series in the following game with another Fireball for exactly lethal.
It was then Joffrey “Swidz” Cunat and Linh “Seiko” Nguyen in Priest versus Priest matches. During the first game, both decks ran out of cards and Swidz claimed the win when fatigue downed his opponent.Â
Although Seiko tied the score 1-1 in the second game, it wasn’t enough, as Swidz won game three using N’Zoth, God of the Deep to resurrect minions on his side of the board. Meanwhile, his opponent ran out of gas, went into fatigue and bowed out.
Elias “Bozzzton” Sibelius and Kevin “Casie” Eberlein then clashed against each with Mage and Rogue decks respectively.Â
While Casie claimed victory in game one, Bozzzton brought it back in the next game with a fireball to the face. When it came down to game three, Casie won after playing Wicked Stab (Rank 2) for lethal.Â
As for the final matchup in the Europe region, Romaric “AyRoK” Dubois fought David Neila “Frenetic” Quiñones. Both players had Mage decks and Frenetic received the first point after AyRoK bowed out by pinging his own face with Fireblast.Â
AyRoK then won game two with the help of Incanter’s Flow cards that had been created by Runed Orb. The card reduced the cost of the spells in his deck. He then used Arcane Intellect and Refreshing Spring Water for card draw. AyRoK won the game on his sixth turn using Mask of C’Thun.
When it all depended on game three, however, Frenetic used his own Mask of C’Thun to achieve lethal and earn a score of 2-1 against his opponent.Â
Hearthstone Grandmasters Americas recap
The final region to play on Week 3 Day 1 was the Americas, and it began with Ramiro “Rami94” Ponce’s Hunter decks versus Brian “Briarthorn” Schneider’s Paladin ones.Â
Rami94 played minion after minion and cast Explosive Trap, which later paid off when it helped deal with minions on his opponent’s side of the board. His opponent soon conceded after Rami94 played Zixor Prime to create board presence.Â
Briarthorn won the second game using his Paladin deck, but when it came down to game three, Rami94 set up for lethal and soon achieved victory when his opponent bowed out.
Next, Jerome “Monsanto” Faucher entered the fray with his Priest decks while Eddie “Eddie” Lui opted for Rogue variants. Eddie went into fatigue during the first, but pushed out enough damage to get the win. Monsanto brought it back in game two, but Eddie obtained a score of 2-1 afterwards and earned a spot in the quarterfinals.
The third week of Hearthstone Grandmasters closed out with similar 2-1 scores for Mihai “lnguagehackr” Dragalin and “lunaloveee” Luna Eason. These players used Shaman and Rogue decks respectively for wins against their opponents.Â
That’s all for Hearthstone Grandmasters 2021 Week 3 Day 1. The next set of matches will happen throughout April 24 as players fight for a spot in the semifinals.
Published: Apr 24, 2021 10:09 am