Hearthstone players attending upcoming Galakrond’s Awakening Fireside Gatherings can get their hands on some limited-time loot.
There is a limited number of these support kits. Each kit contains exclusive pins from the Descent of Dragons expansion, a Descent of Dragons poster, the card code for the full Galakrond’s Awakening adventure along with a golden Classic card pack, and some extra Hearthstone loot.
These Galakrond’s Awakening support kits can be requested by Fireside Gathering hosts between Jan. 10 and 17. This can be done after setting up an event on the official Fireside Gathering website.
Secrets of the gathering
During these Fireside Gathering events, Hearthstone players will get to work together and beat each chapter of the new solo adventure. Another way to play will be to see who can beat each chapter the fastest.
Hearthstone fans and players who want to give hosting a shot and become an innkeeper themselves can head on over to the Fireside Gathering website for some tips and tricks. The website has a page of resources for hosts. They include assets for event promotion, a custom event tavern sign that can be printed, as well as a comprehensive companion guide.
The guide gives hosts advice on where to hold a Fireside Gathering, how to get the word out about the event, and how to plan extra Hearthstone activities to get the community together. Extra activities can include creating secrets quests as an ice-breaker and to help new players get into the game. Other activities can be watching a Hearthstone livestream together, hosting a small round-robin tournament, or even getting players to draw a card and having others guess the name of it.
Hearthstone players who want to participate in a Galakrond’s Awakening Fireside Gathering and have a chance of taking some special loot home can do so between Jan. 21 and Feb. 9.
Published: Jan 12, 2020 12:57 am