Following months of qualifier after qualifier (after an even bigger qualifier), we’ve reached the end of summer and its final destination: VALORANT Masters Berlin.
There will be 15 of the best teams in the world from seven regions (after Bren Esports’ visa issues) that embark to Germany to capture the trophy and automatic qualification to the upcoming world championship. As a bonus, the winning team will also secure an extra spot at Champions, for their respective region.
As we count down to curtain opening in Berlin, I will guide you through each of the 15 teams vying for masters victory about their roster, map pool and the burning questions surrounding them.
F4Q starting lineup

Chae “Bunny” Joon-hyuk (South Korea)
Agents played (past 60 days): Raze (21), Jett (2)
Signature agent: Raze
Stats (past 60 days):
- 232.3 ACS
- 1.27 K:D
- 0.78 KPR
- -9 First Kills-to-First Deaths (44 FK, 53 FD)
Yoo “fiveK” Sung-min (South Korea)
Agents played (past 60 days): Reyna (20), Jett (2), Skye (1)
Signature agent: Reyna
Stats (past 60 days):
- 227.7 ACS
- 1.21 K:D
- 0.82 KPR
- -4 First Kills-to-First Deaths (52 FK, 56 FD)
Kim “zunba” Joon-hyuk (South Korea)
Agents played (past 60 days): Astra (21), Jett (2)
Signature agent: Astra
Stats (past 60 days):
- 214.2 ACS
- 1.17 K:D
- 0.77 KPR
Jeong “Esperanza” Jin-choel (South Korea)
Agents played (past 60 days): Sova (18), Sage (5)
Signature agent: Sova
Stats (past 60 days):
- 219.3 ACS
- 1.27 K:D
- 0.81 KPR
Kim “Efina” Nak-yeon (South Korea)
Agents played (past 60 days): Killjoy (19), Omen (2), Sage (1), Viper (1)
Signature agent: Killjoy
Stats (past 60 days):
- 173.9 ACS
- 1.00 K:D
- 0.61 KPR
Stage 3 Map Pool

Haven: 5-0, 100% (60% Attack Round Win, 63% Defense Round Win)
Ascent: 5-1, 83% (61% ATK, 67% DEF)
Bind: 4-1, 80% (52% ATK, 62% DEF)
Split: 4-1, 80% (74% ATK, 48% DEF)
Icebox: 1-1, 50% (30% ATK, 50% DEF)
Breeze: 0-0, -% (ATK -%, -% DEF)
My player to watch: Bunny

There are somewhat attacking players, and in-your-face aggressive players and then there is Bunny. The self-proclaimed best Raze player in the world, F4Q’s star entry is a special kind of player not often seen in the professional world. Be it on offense or defense, Bunny wants to make a play early and often in a round. He uses his satchels to bounce out of spawn in homage to his gamertag, guns blazing, eyeing for the nearest enemy to try and dunk on them.
Bunny was renowned early on in the professional VALORANT scene for rocketing out of the base, flying with a shotgun in hand, wanting to tilt his opponent before their hands could get warm. That happy-go-lucky playstyle has evolved and, though there are fewer rounds where cheese is on the menu, his all-out attacks can still surprise even the staunchest defensive line.
Whether F4Q bomb out of Masters Berlin or go all the way to the final, there will be a single constant: Bunny is a must-see attraction.
The big question for F4Q in Berlin: Do they have the flexibility to stack up with the rest of the field?
Along with Brazil’s Havan Liberty, F4Q is the only team playing at Masters Berlin that doesn’t have a designated Jett on their squad who plays on most of the maps. We’ve seen their carry duo of Bunny and fiveK play a few Jett games and even zunba has some reps in. But it would be a lie to say they don’t stick out like a sore thumb next to teams with superstar Jett players.
F4Q’s greatest strength is their improvisation and confidence in playing their signature agents, like Bunny on Raze. And, though it worked in South Korea outside of their final matchup with the region’s No. 1 team Vision Strikers, it’s not certain that their way of playing the game can work against teams with equal (or better) firepower.
Born as a content team, F4Q have transformed into one that puts in as many hours of practice as any other top-level team. They were the plucky underdogs in the South Korean finals and took a game off Vision Strikers in the the best-of-five. In the end, though, they succumbed to the difference in overall skill and coordination level, losing 3-1 in commanding fashion.
F4Q can be a spoiler that surprises and takes a game off a top team. The question is, are they simply an entertaining side story we’ll forget by the time group stages are done, or can F4Q be something greater?
In Berlin, F4Q should be aiming for: exciting games and to satchel their way to a playoffs surprise

All things considered, F4Q aren’t in an impossible position. Yes, beating Sentinels will be a tall task even if the North American champions descend into F4Q’s madness. Bren Esports and G2 Esports are doable, even though I believe the latter should be favored in a matchup with F4Q as things currently stand.
Yet, we saw G2 Esports in the EMEA qualifier for Masters Berlin. When they were off, it wasn’t pretty, especially in their series with SuperMassive Blaze where G2 couldn’t stabilize at all once stumbling out of the gate. F4Q are a team that can rattle opponents who aren’t ready for them. If they face G2 and Bunny can disrupt them early, flying higher than he has before on Raze, it could be a Cinderella story in the making.
Don’t sleep on this streamer team.
All stats for this article are provided by
Published: Sep 5, 2021 01:12 pm