NetherRealm Studios knows that it’s hot outside. That’s why they’re releasing new summer skins for Mortal Kombat 11: Aftermath! These skins are some of the oddest the studio has released for this franchise—but at the same time, they’re amazing.
Featured here are “Off the Bone Baraka,” “Fireworks Erron Black,” and “Endless Summer Kitana.” I’m one hundred percent going to lose it over BBQ Baraka. I don’t like playing as this character at all, but I might have to learn him just for this skin alone. The BBQ brand sticking out of his toolbelt just seals it. All he’s missing is a “Kiss the Cook” emblem on his flesh apron.
Kitana, however, looks plain gorgeous in her summer Edenian dress and hat. I don’t know where to begin with Erron Black, other than it’s so unbelievably wrong to have him dressed up like Uncle Sam. At the same time, the look works for him. Since we’re in a summer quarantine anyway, it’s nice to see both Black and Kitana keeping their masks on. Baraka may not care about catching coronavirus and spreading it, but at least we can count on the more human counterparts to take COVID-19 seriously.
Other upcoming Mortal Kombat skins
The “Summer Heat” skin pack won’t be available until August 6. The next packs scheduled to release are the “Klassic Femme Fatale” skin pack on August 25 and the “All Hallow’s Eve” skin pack on October 8. It doesn’t take too much imagination to figure out what these skin packs will include.
The biggest questions are which three characters will be featured in the packs and how Klassic are we going with these female characters? Are we going to the beginning Mortal Kombat era or just a console generation or two ago?
If you’re looking for a Johnny Cage skin pack to tide you over in the meantime, his “Thanks a Million” skin that dresses him like Goldfinger is available now.
Published: Jul 29, 2020 04:51 pm