When you’re crafting a team for battling in Pokémon you’re going to need coverage, and using dual-type Pokémon is a great way to achieve this.
These Pokémon don’t just have the strengths of two types, but also access to moves from both. It’s a win-win situation, but some dual types have fewer options than others. One of these is the combination of Ground and Dragon types.
Every Ground and Dragon-type Pokémon
There are just six Pokémon in the franchise with both Ground and Dragon types, but only three unique evolution lines. Here is the full list of all the options you can choose between.

The Land Shark Pokémon Gible is one of the few in the franchise with both Ground and Dragon types. This makes it and its evolutions powerful choices thanks to their coverage and access to moves. Gible debuted in Pokémon Diamond and Pearl.

The evolutions of Gible, Gabite also boasts the same types making it a natural next step for those who start with Gible. It also debuted in the generation-four Pokémon games.

Garchomp is the final evolution in the Gible line and one of the strongest Ground and Dragon-type Pokémon in the franchise. If you choose one Pokémon from our list we suggest it be Garchomp who has been a dominant force since 2006.

Zygarde is the only Legendary Pokémon with both Dragon and Ground types and is the strongest Pokémon overall from our list. At all stages and forms, this Pokémon has two types making it a dominant force to cover in battle. Zygarde debuted in Pokémon X and Y.

Vibrava is the oldest Pokémon to boast both Dragon and Ground types. Being one of the first Pokémon to do this it shaped up team composition meta on its debut and is still a good choice today, especially when evolved.

Flygon has been a favorite since its debut in Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire. The evolution of Vibrava, this Pokémon is a great choice for those who are looking for a Ground and Dragon-type Pokémon, and as of right now, one of the three best that there is.
Published: Feb 8, 2024 08:15 pm