Before every Call of Duty launches, there’s always a level of desire from the community. Whether it be wanting certain maps or specific weapons or different customization options, people always want something from the developers. This community, the casual player base, makes up the majority of the Call of Duty lobbies. The same will no doubt go for Modern Warfare. However, there is another player base that has its own wants and desires: the competitive community.
What competitive players want in Modern Warfare
Of course, every player that participates in competitive play will want something different. Still, there is usually a general consensus every year among most players regarding certain aspects. While we still have to wait for the competitive ruleset to come out, most hardcore players know what they want.
For starters, some kind of ranked playlist is always a top desire for competitive players. While public matches are fun most of the time, some days a more advanced playlist is the way to go. In this ranked mode, the competitive rules, maps, and modes would be used. Players would match up against others around their skill level and try to climb the ranking ladder.
Most in the community agree that Black Ops 2‘s League Play was the best ranked mode. However, players will just be happy with a ranked playlist that doesn’t come out 5 months after the game has launched.
Next up on the wish list is custom games support. If you participate in online competitive matches, you know that custom games must be working in order to play. Little things like the ability to save custom game modes and integrated GameBattles are things we saw in the past that weren’t in Black Ops 4. For Modern Warfare, the competitive community would love to see things of that nature make a return.
Something a little smaller that is definitely doable is the implementation of CDL-themed calling cards, emblems, cosmetic items, etc. The Call of Duty League is set to begin early 2020. What better way to kick it off than with custom themed cosmetic items? WWII had some weapon camos, as did Black Ops 3 and Advanced Warfare.
There are definitely other things that competitive players want, but this list is nearly universal. Let us know what you want in competitive play, and keep up with Daily Esports for all COD coverage!
Published: Oct 5, 2019 03:35 pm