CLG took down LCS first-place team Cloud 9 in a 31-minute game, continuing their impressive new form. Even though CLG are out of the LCS Midseason Showdown, they are looking to end the season on a very positive note. For many, this is the final week of the LCS, but for CLG it is the beginning of their Summer Split preparation.
Cloud9’s defeat to CLG makes it their third loss in a row and their worst run this season. Although this loss does not remove them from first, it opens room for Dignitas to tie them for first place. Also, even though C9 is already qualified for Midseason Showdown, their recent performance is certainly a cause for worry as they hope to qualify for MSI.
How CLG defeated Cloud9 in the final week of LCS
Cloud 9 went all out with a dive composition built around team-fights. The Hecarim, Syndra and Rell combination from C9 gave them a better engage comp overall. However, CLG ‘s composition was perfect for the early game. WildTurtle’s Tristana opened the game up with two kills in the bottom lane. After WildTurtle’s kills in the bottom lane, CLG took the first drake of the game and took full control of the bottom lane.
Although CLG had a bottom lane advantage, Mads “Broxah” Brock-Pedersen struggled to make an impact in the early game. His Nidalee struggled to keep up with the pace of C9’s Hecarim. However, the early jungle difference did not matter much as CLG killed C9’s bottom lane duo again. CLG held on to their early game advantage and WildTurtle’s Tristana continued to knock down the opposition’s towers.
Finn “Finn” WiestÃ¥l also performed exceptionally well, helping his team defeat C9. He dominated the top lane with eight assists and four kills. Finn had no early game support from Broxah but still did very well farming and delivering crucial assists in team fights.
After CLG took dragon soul and baron, WildTurtle and the rest of the team marched on with baron empowered minions to take down C9’s nexus. CLG’s win against Cloud9 makes it four wins in their last five games.
From the moment WildTurtle got the first two kills, he took total control of the game and never gave C9 a clear chance to get back in. While CLG is the team that started off with a 1-10 record this Split, they do not want to end the season in that light.
Cloud9 return to the rift tomorrow to take on Dignitas at 5 p.m. ET while CLG face-off Golden Guardians on March, 14 at 6 p.m. ET.
Published: Mar 12, 2021 09:10 pm