A knock on the door from the cops is probably not something any gamer wants to get. Also not exactly great when you are deep into a round of Smash Bros.Ultimate. For one player and his friends, that’s exactly what happened. This all stems from the original Reddit thread titled, ” Cops were called on us so now we gotta do a match with them which was posted by user Bboyjovi.
Neighbors called the police on the group after hearing the excessively loud noise. The group was actually just drinking and having a good time enjoying Nintendo’s biggest and hottest title of the year-Smash Bros.Ultimate. The user even posted a video showing the cops who instead of arresting or fining the players actually joined in a couple matches. BBoyjovi even provided more context once other Reddit users began asking if there was more to the story.
At the apartment, after it was seemingly determined that the occupants meant no harm, the police actually joined in the games with BBoyjovi and his friends.
We tell them we just drinkin and playing smash. They ask “What is smash?” So, I hear that from across the room and yelled back “y’all tryna play though, wanna catch these hands?!” Immediately, two cops raised their hands walking into the place asking how to play, but they were definitely acting stupid because one of them was actually good with Pikachu.
We talked some sh** to each other, I say “just don’t fine me if I beat you.”
Fun times 🍻
A surprising outcome
Jovante M. Williams was the one who posted the story to Reddit and social media and happened to arrive at his friends’ place just after the cops arrived. He told Yahoo Lifestyle the following, “You know,” Williams says, “The neighbors thought we were doing the most. We were just playing.” So, all in all, it was a misunderstanding and in the end, a great story came out of it for Williams and his friends.
The cops asked what game they were playing and they were asked to join in. They really seemed to enjoy the game and one who had never played before tried out Pikachu-and was surprisingly good at it. As the saying goes “Settle it in Smash” and they sure did. As a word of caution to other players who may want to play Smash at full volume and live in apartments, just don’t.
Published: Dec 11, 2018 03:55 pm