The Loyal Three are new legendary trio introduced in the Pokémon Scarlet and Violet Teal Mask DLC. This trio includes Munkidori, Okidogi, and Fezandipiti.
These three Pokémon share the Poison-type and serve as the main antagonists during The Teal Mask main story. While you battle them during your quest through Kitakami, you’ll have to finish the story before you’re able to catch them.
Here’s how to catch The Loyal Three in the Pokémon Scarlet and Violet Teal Mask DLC.
Where to find The Loyal Three
You must battle against The Loyal Three in The Teal Mask DLC story, but you won’t be able to catch them immediately. Once you have beaten the main story of The Teal Mask, The Loyal Three will appear again at the same spots they were during the story.
- Munkidori is at Wisteria Pond in the southwest.
- Okidogi is at the Barren Wastes in the northwest.
- Fezandipiti is in the east at Fellhorn Gorge, or more specifically, at the location you chase it to during the story quest.
How to catch The Loyal Three
- Okidogi is a Poison- and Fighting-type Pokemon.
- Munkidori is a Poison- and Psychic-type Pokemon.
- Fezandipiti is a Poison- and Fairy-type Pokemon.
It’s recommended to battle the Loyal Three with high-level Pokemon that preferably know a combination of False Swipe and status-inflicting moves like Thunder Wave or Hypnosis.
Some status healing items or backup Pokémon that are unaffected by being Poisoned could also be helpful. The Loyal Three’s shared ability, Toxic Chain has a 30% chance of badly poisoning your Pokémon every time they attack.
One extra tip is having a picnic to prepare a sandwich recipe increasing your chances of catching Poison-type Pokémon. These three Pokémon are legendary, so boosting your catch odds will speed up the process tremendously.
Published: Sep 27, 2023 12:51 pm