South Korea has been known as the PC game and esports capital of the world. PC bangs dotted cities and StarCraft became its unofficial national sport over a decade ago. That’s most definitely why Blizzard chose to create Hana Song — D.Va — in Overwatch, as a means to pay homage to its legions of fans. D.Va has been a fan favorite in the game. The recent Overwatch Fan Festival showcased D.Va in action in the Shooting Star animated short. Likewise, we also glimpsed the game’s rendition of the city of Busan. Watch the videos below.
D.Va in Overwatch: the Shooting Star of Busan
Gamers around the world have dreams of being a hero one day; that’s why we play certain games to succeed. D.Va is the embodiment of that. She’s a Korean pro gamer who eventually joined the MEKA (Mobile Exo-Force of the Korean Army) to defend the city of Busan against Omnics. The Shooting Star animated short provide us with a brief look into her daily life. D.Va’s the quintessential, carefree teenager who turns on a light switch to become a MEKA pilot and action hero. She does that while her friend-zoned companion just worries about her endlessly.
In addition to the Shooting Star animated short, we also saw a preview of the new Busan map for Overwatch. The entire thing looks amazing, perfectly capturing the spirit of South Korea’s bustling city and its rich traditions. The Busan map will have three districts:
- Sanctuary: This one will probably give you Hanamura vibes, owing to its majestic temple and aesthetics.
- Downtown: We get a look at busy streets and towering buildings, complete with a PC bang and karaoke bar.
- MEKA Base: Finally, we get to see the headquarters of D.Va’s MEKA squad that we saw in the animated short.
All three combine to give you a wonderful flavor of Busan and South Korea’s historic heritage, modern feel, and futuristic landscape.
Published: Aug 22, 2018 11:44 am