In the 10th year of the League of Legends Championship Series, we have 10 different franchises making up the competition. Like TSM and Evil Geniuses, some were around before the LCS was even a mere idea. Others, such as 100 Thieves and Golden Guardians, were crafted and born once the league became franchised.
These organizations have stakes in not only League of Legends but esports and gaming culture as a whole, some with hands in dozens of games and live streaming ventures.
To see how the fans feel about the teams and how they’re run as organizations, I released a public poll asking for the community at large to give a rating from one (worst) to five (best) on how they view each other franchise.
After over 2,200 votes were cast, here are the final results.
Team Liquid (4.31/5)

Maybe the organization with the most ties in different esports is on top of the census rankings. Team Liquid produces top-level teams across the board, including in League of Legends, where they’ve made multiple world championships in a row.
100 Thieves (4.17)
One of the newer organizations in the league, 100 Thieves, have carved out a passionate and loyal fanbase since establishing in late 2017. Former Call of Duty star Matthew “Nadeshot” Haag has built an organization that has transcended esports with its lifestyle brand and collection of online personalities. Even with their attention to things outside the esports world, they’ve continued to spend and do everything possible to win titles in every game they enter, most recently winning their first LCS championship at the end of 2021.
Cloud9 (3.90)

It’s a tale of two polls for C9. When I first released the public survey, C9 were neck-and-neck with TL for the No. 1 spot. Alas, following the sudden release of head coach Nick “LS” De Cesare and fans still wondering what went wrong, the organization’s overall score did drop below a four. Still, there was support for the franchise even after the LS removal, with the score stabilizing and keeping them in third place.
Evil Geniuses (3.88)
The oldest organization of anyone in the LCS, EG, was first founded over 20 years ago. Though the EG brand has become synonymous in almost every major esport over the last two decades, it’s only been recently that they’ve started to make their mark in League of Legends. Overall, however, even with rebrandings and new ownership taking over, the fans see the franchise in a positive light.
FlyQuest (3.38)

For years, FlyQuest felt like the red-headed stepchild of LCS organizations. They were new and did well quickly but never really found a brand that helped them stand out amongst the trees. That’s when the organization decided to go with the environmental approach, connecting the world of philanthropy and esports. It’s not only made them stand out, but they’ve helped the sea, trees and even bees on their quest to make the planet a better place.
Dignitas (2.63)
Dignitas is a face that has come and gone throughout the years in the LCS, but they always seem to return no matter how many times you get rid of them. A legacy brand, they’ve tried rebranding a few times, even donning an owl as their logo for a while, but they’ve always returned to the old faithful of their alien (or ghost, depending on who you ask) calling card. Although they’ve never won an LCS championship or even made a final, the league wouldn’t be the same without the yellow and black of Dignitas.
Golden Guardians (2.46)

As the sister team to the NBA’s Golden State Warriors, the Golden Guardians haven’t had nearly the same success in League of Legends. Beyond their work in League of Legends, though, they’ve been a force in the Super Smash Bros. Melee scene and have found a lot of goodwill in that scene with their top player Zain Naghmi. People like the Golden Guardians brand and organization, but it feels like they’ll need to make a world championship or win an LCS title to really up their brand value in the eyes of the fans.
Immortals (2.37)
Immortals are a franchise that came in hot into the LCS. When they arrived in 2016, they probably would have had one of the highest approval rankings of any team in the league. They were stomping teams in the LCS, had a likable and transparent owner in Noah Whinston, and were, simply, a cool brand in a scene that desperately needed new, fresh faces. Since those days in 2016 and 2017, though, IMT’s reputation has slid as Whinston exited the company and tried to find a new angle to boost the organization’s image.
Their new direction seems to be Immortals attempting to become the esports organization of Detroit and the Great Lakes, moving their headquarters to Michigan. At the same time, most of their peers remain in congested Los Angeles. Time will tell if their move can do similar wonders to their brand as FlyQuest’s pivot has with their embrace of the environment.
TSM (2.12)

Well, uh, here’s TSM. The organization that once ran the LCS with an iron fist is experiencing its worst season ever. And while that probably has a lot to do with their low ranking, the org as a whole has taken its lumps over the past six months, with several top faces leaving the brand to take their talents elsewhere. A lot of TSM’s goodwill came from being the brand that won and won big, and right now, there isn’t much winning to be had, at least in League of Legends.
Their Rainbow Six Siege team did just win the world championship on the positive end of things. So while I’m sure that will help, it seems like it’s going to take a lot more to rebuild their reputation, at least to a primary League of Legends audience.
Counter Logic Gaming (1.83)
It wasn’t even close. TSM is having its worst stretch as an organization, with its founder getting investigated by Riot Games due to bullying accusations. And yet, CLG is still the lowest-ranked franchise and the only one with a score in the one’s.
I don’t have much to say here. The organization seems to be in a complete rebuild, including the League of Legends team, and the voters are at rock bottom with their opinion on a franchise that was once onr of the pride and joys of the region.
Which LCS organization is the best at creating original content?

- 100 Thieves (37.5%)
- Cloud9 (30.9%)
- Team Liquid (13.9%)
- TSM (12.3%)
- FlyQuest (3.2%)
- Evil Geniuses (1.5%)
- Golden Guardians (0.7%)
- Dignitas (0.3%)
- Counter Logic Gaming (0.1%)
- Immortals (0%)
Which LCS organization do you think has the best leadership? (CEO, owners)
- Team Liquid (33.4%)
- Cloud9 (28.5%)
- 100 Thieves (26.1%)
- Evil Geniuses (4.9%)
- FlyQuest (4.5%)
- TSM (1.5%)
- Golden Guardians (0.3%)
- Dignitas (0.3%)
- Counter Logic Gaming (0.2%)
- Immortals (0%)
Which LCS organization do you think creates the best merchandise?

- 100 Thieves (68.3%)
- Team Liquid (14.3%)
- Cloud9 (9.3%)
- FlyQuest (3.7%)
- TSM (3.3%)
- Evil Geniuses (0.6%)
- Counter Logic Gaming (0.3%)
- Golden Guardians (0.2%)
- Immortals (0%)
- Dignitas (0%)
Which LCS organization has the best branding?
- 100 Thieves (43.4%)
- Cloud9 (21.9%)
- Team Liquid (13.5%)
- TSM (9%)
- FlyQuest (7.4%)
- Evil Geniuses (4%)
- Dignitas (0.3%)
- Counter Logic Gaming (0.2%)
- Golden Guardians (0.2%)
- Immortals (0.1%)
Published: Feb 26, 2022 02:11 pm