Having a sandbox to play around within and experiment with sounds like a ton of fun, but sometimes the scope of Infinite Craft can be daunting.
There are hundreds if not thousands of things that you can create within the game, and if you’re after something specific it can be tricky to pin down how to get there. Fortunately, if you know what you need, then you can create your own crafting list and eventually achieve your goal.
To help out with this we’ve compiled a list of many recipes to be used in Infinite Craft.
All recipes in Infinite Craft
There are a lot of combinations and things to create in Infinite Craft, and many can be made with multiple different combinations. For our list, we have done a lot of testing ourselves, but also scoured the internet for discoveries that other players have reached. Many of these recipes come from Geekyhobbies, along with the Infinite Craft Reddit, and other online resources.
Here are all of the combinations we’ve seen for Infinite Craft in alphabetical order:
Result | Half 1 | Half 2 |
Aaron Rodgers | Green Bay Packers | Superstar |
Abominable Snowman | Yeti | Knight |
Abraham Lincoln | Time Travel | Politician |
Accident | Car | Traffic |
Ace | Poker | Card |
Action | Fight | Movie |
Adam | Mud | Venus |
Addiction | Game | Internet |
Adobe | Brick | Mud |
| ||
Advent | Calendar | Christmas |
Airplane | Flying | Boat |
Airport | Airplane | Landing |
Airship | Flying | Ship |
Alchemy | Chemistry | Broken |
Alfred | Batman | Wisdom |
Alice | Book | Rabbit |
Alien | Space Ship | Space |
Alligator | Crocodile | Forest |
Alphabet | Letter | Scribble |
| ||
Amazon | Jungle | River |
Amber | Fossil | Fossil |
America | Liberty | Justice |
Amethyst | Diamond | Purple |
Ammonite | Fossil | Roll |
Anaconda | Snake | Movie |
Ancient | Ruins | Town |
Anchor | Stone | Boat |
Android | Software | Planet |
Angel | God | Clean |
| ||
Angelina Jolie | Tomb Raider | Lara Croft |
Animation | Cartoon | Drawing |
Anime | Japan | America |
Anniversary | Birthday | Marriage |
Ant-Man | Thanos | Bug |
Antarctica | Penguin | Continent |
Ape | Monkey | Monkey |
Apollo | Moon | America |
Apple | Fruit | Tree |
Apple Pie | Fruit Tree | America |
| ||
April | Calendar | Baseball |
Aquaman | Wonder Woman | Nemo |
Aquarium | Fishbowl | Stone |
Aragorn | Lord of the Rings | Sword |
Archipelago | Continent | Island |
Architect | Builder | Engineer |
Arena | Stadium | Colosseum |
Ariel | Whale | Vase |
Aristotle | Drama | Plato |
Ark | Noah | Water |
| ||
Arkham | Batman | Joker |
Army | Soldier | Soldier |
Arnold Palmer | OJ | Lemonade |
Arnold Schwarzenegger | Arnold Palmer | Celebrity |
Arsonist | Stalker | Fire |
Art | Drawing | Mountain |
Artist | Art | Philosophy |
Arwen | Swamp | Elf |
Ash | Tree | Fire |
Ashes | Fire | Library |
| ||
Asia | China | Continent |
Astronaut | Rocket | Moon |
Astronomer | Observatory | Telescope |
Athens | Ancient | Town |
Atlantis | Nemo | City |
Atlas | Titan | Earth |
August | July | Summer |
Autumn | Summer | Leaf |
Avalanche | Mountain | Snow |
Avengers | Thor | Captain America |
| ||
Awesome | Win | America |
Baby | Human | Family |
Baby Dinosaur | Dinosaur | Egg |
Baby Lovebird | Lovebird | Lovebird |
Back to the Future | Movie | Time Machine |
Bacon | Pig | Fire |
Baconator | Volcano | Bacon |
Balance | Order | Chaos |
Ball | New York | New Year |
Bamboo | Forest | Sushi |
| ||
Bamboo Forest | Bamboo | Bamboo |
Ban | Football | Yellow |
Bank | Money | Zombie |
Banana | Grocery | Yellow |
Barbecue | Chicken | Smoker |
Barney | Purple | Dragon |
Baseball | Ball | History |
Baseball Bat | America | Wood |
Bat | Vampire | Black |
Bathroom | Toilet | Toilet |
| ||
Batman | Bat | Bat |
Batmobile | Car | Vampire |
Battle | War | War |
Baywatch | Celebrity | Surfer |
Beach | Baywatch | Earth |
Beaker | Chemistry | Glass |
Bear | Honey | Troll |
Bedrock | Fred Flintstone | Escape |
Bee | Beehive | Beehive |
Beehive | Honeycomb | Honeycomb |
| ||
Beijing | Olympics | 2022 |
Best Friend | Friend | Friend |
Best Friends | Best Friend | Best Friend |
Big Bang | Unvierse | Time |
Big Ben | London | Earth |
Bigfoot | Monkey | Yeti |
Bill Gates | Richest | Human |
Billionaire | Bill Gates | Bill Gates |
Binge | Netflix | Drama |
Bird | Flying | Life |
| ||
Birthday | Birthday Cake | Party |
Birthday Cake | Cake | Cake |
Bitcoin | Stock Market | Internet |
Beauty and the Beast | Beauty | King Kong |
Black Hole | Galaxy | Galaxy |
Blade Runner | Cyberpunk | Movie |
Bleacher | Stadium | Chair |
Blizzard | Snow | War |
Blockbuster | Movie | Explosion |
Blog | Internet | Vampire |
| ||
Blood | Heart | Water |
Bloody Mary | Wine | Tomato |
Blue | Indigo | Politician |
Blue’s Clues | Game | Blue |
Blueberry | Grocery | Blue |
Boat | Ship | Ship |
Bog | Swamp | Swamp |
Bojack Horseman | Netflix | Animation |
Bonfire | Campfire | Campfire |
Bonsai | Japan | Tree |
| ||
Book | Paper | Paper |
Bookshelf | Book | Book |
Bookworm | Library | Surfboard |
Boss | Moss | Celebrity |
Boulder | Stone | Stone |
Bowser | Super Mario | Rock |
Brawl | Mario | Fight |
Brazil | Rio | Earth |
Breakfast | Dinner | Day |
Breakfast Taco | Taco Bell | Breakfast |
| ||
Breeze | Life | Wind |
Brick | Clay | Clay |
Bride | Wedding | Beauty |
Bridge | Ladder | Ladder |
Brienne | Game of Thrones | Knight |
Brienne of Tarth | Game of Thrones | Brienne |
Brinner | Breakfast | Dinner |
Broken | Gamer | Rage |
Browser | Internet | Opera |
Brownies | Mud | Chocolate |
| ||
Bruce Banner | Hulk | Broken |
Bruce Lee | Celebrity | Kung Fu |
Brunch | Brinner | Breakfast |
Bubble | Soap | Water |
Bubblegum | Gum | Mud |
Buddha | Philosophy | Enlightenment |
Buffy | Vampire | Slayer |
Buffy the Vampire Slayer | Buffy | Super Smash Bros. |
Bug | Millennium | Windows |
Builder | Carpenter | Engineer |
| ||
Bull | Picasso | Stake |
Bullet | Glass | Train |
Bully | Geek | School |
Bunny | Rabbit | Garden |
Burnt Toast | Toast | Fire |
Butter | Toast | Oil |
C3PO | Robot | Jedi |
Cactus | America | Desert |
Caesar | Celebrity | Rome |
Cake | Pancake | Pancake |
| ||
Calendar | Year | Sun |
Campfire | Wood | Fire |
Candy | Halloween | Food |
Candy Cane | Candy | Lollipop |
Candy Crush | Candy | Game |
Candy Crush Saga | Candy Crush | Candy Crush |
Captain | Pirate | Pirate Ship |
Captain America | Ant-Man | America |
Captain Hook | Captain | Pirate |
Car | Oil | Engine |
| ||
Card | Football | Red |
Carpenter | Lumberjack | Engineer |
Carrot | Orange | Park |
Cartoon | Drawing | Mickey Mouse |
Castle | Fortress | House |
Catch | Fish | Net |
Catholic | Jesus | Christianity |
Cave | Rain | Rock |
Caveman | Gorilla | Time Travel |
Cavewoman | Caveman | Caveman |
| ||
Celebrity | Star | Newspaper |
Cemetery | Grave | Grave |
Centipede | Millipede | Bug |
Central Park | New York | Zoo |
Century | Year | Year |
Ceramic | Pottery | Vase |
Cereal | Breakfast | Food |
Chai | Tea | Fire |
Chair | Table | Wood |
Chameleon | Lizard | Blue |
| ||
Championship | Lebron | Ball |
Chaos | Destruction | Explosion |
Charizard | Pokemon | Fire |
Cheater | Tom Brady | Player |
Checkers | Chess | Chess |
Cheer | Cheerleader | Fan |
Cheerleader | Touchdown | Fan |
Cheese | Milk | Milk |
Cheesehead | Cheese | Football |
Chef | Cook | Food |
| ||
Chelsea | Football | Blue |
Chemistry | Science | School |
Chess | Game | Book |
Chessboard | Chess | Stream |
Chest | Pirate | Treasure |
Chicken | Bird | Game |
Child | Baby | Life |
Chili | Soup | Fire |
Chili Dog | Chili | Hotdog |
Chill | Netflix | Movie |
| ||
China | Beijing | Earth |
Chocolate | Mud | Rainforest |
Choo Choo | Jack Sparrow | Star |
Christianity | God | Jesus |
Christmas | Green | Red |
Christmas Tree | Christmas | Christmas |
Chuck Norris | Serial Killer | Vomit |
Church | Temple | Farm |
Cinderella | Disney | Princess |
Cinema | Movie | Movie |
| ||
City | Town | Town |
Civil War | Captain America | Iron Man |
Clark Kent | Superman | Gossip |
Class | Student | Student |
Classroom | School | Room |
Clay | Mud | Earth |
Clean | Soap | Mud |
Clementine | Christmas | Orange |
Clock | Football | Orange |
Cloud | Lake | Steam |
| ||
Clownfish | Fish | Coconut |
Club | Caveman | Fight |
Coca-Cola | Soda | Human |
Coconut | Palm | Palm |
Coconut Milk | Coconut | Coconut Tree |
Coconut Tree | Coconut | Coconut |
Coffin | Vampire | Room |
Coke | Coca-Cola | Soda |
College | University | Classroom |
Colosseum | Stadium | Stone |
| ||
Colossus | Statue | City |
Comedy | Divorce | Romance |
Comet | Wind | Space |
Comic | Story | Artist |
Comic Book | Comic | Comic |
Continent | Island | Island |
Cook | Recipe | Food |
Cookbook | Food | Story |
Cooking | Cook | Chef |
Corn | America | Farm |
| ||
Cornfield | Corn | Corn |
Corruption | Money | Politician |
Cowboy | Lasso | Club |
Crane | Origami | Paper |
Cranky Kong | Donkey Kong | Robot |
Crash | Accident | Car |
Crayon | Red | Pencil |
Creeper | Minecraft | Monster |
Creepypasta | Creeper | Fanfiction |
Crime | Mafia | Murder |
| ||
Crimson | Paint | Red |
Crocodile | Lizard | Water |
Crop Circle | Stonehenge | UFO |
Crown | King | Gold |
Cruise | Boat | Ship |
Crypto | Bitcoin | Toast |
Cryptozoology | Loch Ness Monster | Bigfoot |
Cthulhu | Kraken | Monster |
Cucumber | Grocery | Green |
Cult | Religion | Internet |
| ||
Cure | Sick | Disease |
Curse | Tomb | Mummy |
Cyan | Blue | Green |
Cyberman | Doctor Who | Robot |
Cybernetic | Robot | Cyborg |
Cyberpunk | Internet | City |
Cyberpunk 2077 | Cyberpunk | Pixel Art |
Cyberspace | Internet | Space |
Cyborg | Monster | Robot |
Daenerys Targaryen | Game of Thrones | Dragon |
| ||
Dalai Lama | Celebrity | Buddha |
Dank | Meme | Trash |
Dark | Time | Night |
Darkness | Dark | Dark |
Darth Vader | Jedi | Lightsaber |
Dash | Sprint | Sprint |
Date | Meal | Romance |
David | Artist | Statue |
Day | Twenty-Four | Clock |
Dead | Ice Cream | Death |
| ||
Death | Life | Vampire |
Death Note | Anime | Nightmare |
Death Star | Darth Vader | Space Ship |
December | November | November |
Delivery | Amazon | Prime |
Democracy | Liberty | Knowledge |
Derek Jeter | Yankees | Celebrity |
Desert | Sand | Star |
Destruction | Tornado | Tsunami |
Detention | Judge | Homework |
| ||
Diamond | Gem | Gem |
Diamond Block | Diamond | Diamond |
Diarrhea | Taco Bell | Destruction |
Diddy Kong | Donkey Kong | Donkey Kong |
Diddy Kong | Diddy Kong | Car |
Dinner | SpaghettiOs | Hot Dog |
Dinosaur | Fossil | Amber |
Dirt | Earth | Pluto |
Disaster | Tornado | New York |
Disease | Sick | Sick |
| ||
Disney | Mickey | Mouse |
Disney World | Disneyland | Disneyland |
Disney+ | Netflix | Mickey Mouse |
Disneyland | Disney | Disney |
Diva | Opera | Celebrity |
Divorce | Marriage | Passion |
Dixie Kong | Donkey Kong | Diddy Kong |
DJ | Party | Player |
Doctor | Sick | Patient |
Doctor Who | Tardis | Time Travel |
| ||
Donkey Kong | King Kong | Mr. Peanuts |
Donkey Kong Country | Donkey Kong | Mario |
Dovahkiin | Dragonborn | Knowledge |
Dracula | Celebrity | Vampire |
Dragon | Swamp | Fire |
Dragon Ball | Goku | Asia |
Dragon Ball Z | Fight | Anime |
Dragon Ball Z Kai | Dragon Ball Z | Time |
Dragon Egg | Dragon | Dragon |
Dragonborn | Dragon | Celebrity |
| ||
Drama | Comedy | Tragedy |
Drawing | Pencil | Paper |
Drug | Chemistry | Money |
Druid | Stonehenge | Amber |
Drunk | Grape | Wine |
Dumbledore | Pope | Harry Potter |
Dust | Wind | Earth |
Dwayne Johnson | Moana | Ice Cream |
E-Book | Kindle | Book |
E.T. | Celebrity | Alien |
| ||
Easter Bunny | Bunny | Santa |
Easter Island | Alien | Statue |
Eclipse | Moon | Earth |
Eevee | Pokemon | Stone |
Eeveelution | Eevee | Hagrid |
Egg | Farm | Chicken |
Egypt | Pyramid | Sphinx |
Eiffel Tower | Paris | Earth |
Eight | Four | Four |
Eighty | Seventy | Ten |
| ||
Einstein | Genius | Wisdom |
Election | Democracy | Funeral |
Electricity | Wind | Wind Turbine |
Elephant | Zoo | Trash |
Elf | Christmas | Movie |
Emerald | Diamond | Green |
Emperor | Herd | Penguin |
Empire | Jedi | Republic |
Empire State Building | New York | City |
Encyclopedia | Wikipedia | Governor |
| ||
Endgame | Avengers | Thanos |
Energy | Force | Power |
Engine | Fuel | Fire |
Engineer | Human | Steam |
Engineering | Math | Science |
Enlightenment | Knowledge | Sun |
Envy | Money | Green |
Eon | Century | Millennium |
Epic | Story | Rage |
Epidemic | Plague | Plague |
| ||
Error | Microsoft | Windows |
Eruption | Tornado | Volcano |
Escape | Bridge | Ladder |
eSports | Olympics | Gaming |
Essay | Paragraph | Paragraph |
Eternity | Eon | Eon |
Europe | Fjord | Continent |
Eve | Adam | Venus |
Everything Everywhere All at Once | Movie | Multiverse |
Exorcist | Movie | Priest |
| ||
Experiment | Science | Class |
Explosion | Destruction | Destruction |
Fable | Story | Orange |
Fairy | Dust | Forest |
Fairy Tale | Princess | Cinderella |
Falcon | Millennium | Broken |
Fame | Celebrity | Celebrity |
Family | Human | Human |
Fan | Stadium | Bleacher |
Fanatic | Fan | Streamer |
| ||
Fanfiction | Twilight | Harry Potter |
Fanta | Soda | Red |
Farm | Field | Land |
Farmer | Human | Earth |
Fear | Horror | Nightmare |
Feast | Epic | Food |
February | January | January |
Fence | Post | Post |
Fiction | Story | Alien |
Field | Land | Football |
| ||
Field Goal | Touchdown | Touchdown |
Field of Dreams | Movie | Cornfield |
Fifty | Forty | Ten |
Fight | War | Battle |
Film | Movie | Cinema |
Fireball | Golf | Fire |
Firefighter | Arsonist | Mirror |
Fireman | Doctor | Arsonist |
Fire Truck | Firefighter | Firefighter |
Fireworks | Invention | Fire |
| ||
Fish | Ocean | Water |
Fishbowl | Fish | Water |
Fisherman | Fishing | Fish |
Fishing | Catch | Fish |
Fishing Pole | Fishing Rod | Fishing Rod |
Fishing Rod | Fishing | Minecraft |
Five | One | Four |
Five Hundred | Four Hundred | One Hundred |
Fix | Broken | Game |
Fjord | Mountain | Lake |
| ||
Flareon | Eeveelution | Amazon |
Flight | Airplane | Pilot |
Flock | Bird | Bird |
Flood | Rain | Destruction |
Floor | Tile | Tile |
Floorboard | Wood | Floor |
Flower | Rain | Plant |
Flying | Wind | Kite |
Flying Fish | Sushi | Wind |
Flying Saucer | Wind | Space Ship |
| ||
Fog | Water | Smoke |
Food | Farm | Farmer |
Football | Stadium | Fan |
Force | Jedi | Love |
Forest | Tree | Tree |
Forever | Eternity | Infinity |
Fort | Army | Army |
Fortress | Superman | House |
Fortress of Solitude | Superman | Palace |
Forty | Twenty | Twenty |
| ||
Fossil | Fish | Stone |
Four | Two | Two |
Four Hundred | Three Hundred | One Hundred |
Frankenstein | Vampire | Thunder |
Fred Flintstone | Cowboy | Caveman |
Freedom | America | Democracy |
Friend | Player | Player |
Friendly | Player | Friend |
Friendship | Legolas | Frodo |
Frodo | Hobbit | Lord of the Rings |
| ||
Frog | Fish | Swamp |
Frog Prince | Kermit | Cupid |
Frosty | Snowman | Celebrity |
Fruit | Peach | Orange |
Fuchsia | Magenta | Pink |
Fuel | Oil | Fire |
Funeral | Flower | Coffin |
Future | 2025 | Time |
Galaxy | Star | Star |
Galileo | Astronomer | Telescope |
| ||
Game | Football | Stadium |
Game of Thrones | Sopranos | Dragon |
Gamer | Game | Addiction |
Gaming | Gamer | Game |
Gandalf | Lord of the Rings | Elrond |
Garbage | Trash | Junk |
Garden | Lawn | Stone |
Garnet | Amethyst | Ruby |
Gas Tank | Gasoline | Gasoline |
Gasoline | Fuel | Oil |
| ||
Gazpacho | Soup | Tomato |
Gecko | Lizard | Rock |
Geek | Nerd | Student |
Gem | Shards | Shards |
General | War | Soldier |
Genius | Human | Knowledge |
Ghost | Celebrity | Campfire |
Ghostbuster | Celebrity | Ghost |
Gift | Present | Time |
Gimli | Earthquake | Elrond |
| ||
Girlfriend | Best Friend | Love |
Glass | Sand | Fire |
Glory | Trophy | Victory |
Goal | Soccer | Player |
God | Universe | Eternity |
Godzilla | King Kong | Elephant |
Gohan | Goku | Mountain |
Goku | Dragon Ball Z | Anime |
Gold | Yellow | Yellow |
Golem | Movie | Clay |
| ||
Golf | Arnold Palmer | Lawn |
Golf Ball | Golf | Orange |
Golf Course | Mini Golf | Mini Golf |
Golf Story | Super Mario Bros | Golfing |
Golfing | Golf | Surfing |
Goliath | David | King Kong |
Gollum | Lord of the Rings | Game |
Gondor | Lord of the Rings | Palace |
Internet | Clean | |
Gorgon | Medusa | Mythology |
| ||
Gorilla | Ape | Ape |
Gossip | Love | Newspaper |
Gotham | City | Batman |
Governor | Arnold Schwarzenegger | Politician |
Grandfather | Time Machine | Paradox |
Grandpa | Movie | Grandfather |
Grandson | Time Machine | Grandfather |
Grape | Grocery | Purple |
Grass | Moss | Moss |
Grave | Dead | Dead |
| ||
Graveyard | Cemetery | Cemetery |
Great Wall | China | Earth |
Greed | Money | Envy |
Green | Paint | Blue |
Green Bay | Packer | Football |
Green Bay Packers | Green Bay | Green Bay |
Greg Norman | Sydney | Golfing |
Grill | Barbecue | Barbecue |
Grilled Cheese | Toast | Cheese |
Grilled Cheese Sandwich | Grilled Cheese | Grilled Cheese |
| ||
Grim Reaper | Reaper | Death |
Grizzly | Bear | Celebrity |
Grocery | Supermarket | Money |
Gum | Mud | Kung Fu |
Hacker | Cyberpunk | Library |
Hagrid | Hermoine | Monster |
Halloween | October | Christmas |
Halo | Xbox | Gaming |
Hamlet | Shakespeare | Paper |
Happiness | Disney | Money |
| ||
Happy Feet | Movie | Penguin |
Hare | Rabbit | Rabbit |
Harley Quinn | Joker | Angelina Jolie |
Harry Potter | Hogwarts | Book |
Harry Potter and the Curse of the Black Pearl | Pirates of the Caribbean | Hogwarts Express |
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets | Harry Potter | Valentine |
Hatsune Miku | Android | J-Pop |
Hawaii | America | Island |
Health | Sick | Cure |
Heart | Love | Love |
| ||
Hercules | Hydra | Zeus |
Herd | Flock | Flock |
Hermione | Harry Potter | Girlfriend |
Hero | Fight | Monster |
Hex | Curse | Curse |
Hexagon | Hex | Hex |
Hexagram | Hexagon | Drawing |
History | Day | Story |
Hobbit | Lord of the Rings | House |
Hockey | Ice | Ball |
| ||
Hogwarts | Train Station | Library |
Hogwarts Express | Train | Gandalf |
Hole | Golf | Wind |
Hole in One | Golf | Golf Ball |
Hollywood | Movie | Money |
Home Run | Baseball | Ball |
Homerun | Baseball | Home Run |
Homework | Book | Essay |
Honey | Bee | Plant |
Honeycomb | Wall | Honeymoon |
| ||
Honeymoon | Marriage | Room |
Hope | Shawshank Redemption | Movie |
Horror | Movie | Halloween |
Hospital | Heart | Sick |
Hot Dog | Chili Dog | Game |
Hotdog | Bacon | Ketchup |
Hourglass | Time | Time |
House | Wall | Brick |
Hulk | Mutant | Radiation |
Hulk Smash | Hulk | Explosion |
| ||
Human | Life | Earth |
Hurricane | Wind | Speed |
Hydra | Snake | Snake |
Hypothesis | School | Theory |
Ice | Snow | Snow |
Ice Age | Zoo | Mammoth |
Ice Cream | Mars | Snow |
Ice Cream Cone | Ice Cream | Ice Cream |
Iceberg | Titanic | Water |
Idea | Light Bulb | Fire |
| ||
Igloo | Snow | House |
Illusion | Story | Mirage |
Incredible Hulk | Hulk | Chaos |
Indiana Jones | Cowboy | Whip |
Indigo | Purple | Violet |
Infinity | Eon | Eternity |
Infinity Gauntlet | Thanos | Stone |
Infinity War | Avengers | Endgame |
Internet | Meme | Photoshop |
Internet Explorer | Microsoft | Browser |
| ||
Invention | Idea | Idea |
Invisible Jet | Plane | Wonder Woman |
Invisible Plane | Invisible Jet | Invisible Jet |
iPad | Tablet | Apple |
Iron Chef | Iron Man | Food |
Iron Man | Tony | Stark |
Iron Man 2 | Iron Man | Iron Man 3 |
Iron Man 3 | Iron Man | Destruction |
Ironman | Iron Chef | Time |
Irony | Story | Iron Man |
| ||
Island | Stone | Ocean |
Itch | Mosquito | Ice Cream |
Jabba | Star Wars | Bog |
Jabba the Hutt | Jabba | Star Wars |
Jack Sparrow | Pirates of the Caribbean | Star |
Jail | Crime | Crime |
Jailbreak | Prison | Movie |
Jam | Traffic | City |
James Bond | Movie | Diamond |
January | Winter | Month |
| ||
Japan | Island | Buddha |
Jaws | Movie | Fish |
Jealousy | Envy | Envy |
Jedi | Knight | Celebrity |
Jedi Pig | Lightsaber | Pig |
Jesus | God | Angel |
Jet | Plane | Plane |
Jet Ski | Surfer | Engine |
Jetpack | Jet | Jet |
Jobs | Steve | Human |
| ||
Joffrey | Game of Thrones | Laughter |
Johny Depp | Sirius Black | Jack Sparrow |
Joke | Story | Comedy |
Joker | Knight | Comedy |
Jolly Roger | Pirate | Skull |
Jon Snow | Game of Thrones | Knowledge |
Joy | Happiness | Happiness |
J-Pop | Japan | Electric Guitar |
Judge | Law | Order |
Juice | Orange | Fruit |
| ||
Juliet | Romeo | Heart |
July | Summer | Month |
June | May | Month |
Jungle | Amazon | Forest |
Junk | Wreckage | Truck |
Jupiter | Planet | Orange |
Jurassic Park | Story | Dinosaur |
Jurassic World | Jurassic Park | Story |
Justice | Liberty | Wisdom |
Justice League | Batman | Superman |
| ||
Kanye West | Celebrity | Diva |
Ketchup | Tomato | Banana |
Kindle | Internet | Amazon |
King | Kingdom | Castle |
Kingdom | Palace | Castle |
King Kong | Gorilla | Monkey |
Kite | Invention | Wind |
Knight | Dragon | Princess |
Knowledge | Library | Book |
Komodo Dragon | Dragon | Lizard |
| ||
Kraken | Island | Monster |
Kryptonite | Superman | Poison |
Kung Fu | Monkey | Panda |
Kung Fu Panda | Celebrity | Panda |
Kanye West | Celebrity | Diva |
Ketchup | Tomato | Banana |
Kindle | Internet | Amazon |
King | Prince | Prince |
King Kong | Gorilla | Monkey |
Kite | Invention | Wind |
| ||
Knight | Girlfriend | Sword |
Knowledge | Library | Book |
Komodo Dragon | Dragon | Lizard |
Kraken | Island | Monster |
Kryptonite | Superman | Poison |
Kung Fu | Monkey | Panda |
Kung Fu Panda | Celebrity | Panda |
Knowledge | Library | Book |
Komodo Dragon | Dragon | Lizard |
Kraken | Island | Monster |
| ||
Kryptonite | Superman | Poison |
Kung Fu | Monkey | Panda |
Kung Fu Panda | Celebrity | Panda |
Laboratory | University | Science |
Ladder | Rope | Rope |
Lake | Water | Water |
Lambeau Field | Green Bay Packers | Stadium |
Lamp | Light Bulb | Glass |
Land | Earth | Continent |
Landing | Airplane | Earth |
| ||
Lara Croft | Tomb Raider | Mario |
Laser | Electricity | Lens |
Lasso | Whip | Whip |
Laughter | Comedy | Comedy |
Lava | Volcano | Fire |
Lavender | Life | Purple |
Law | Justice | Order |
Lawn | Grass | Rock |
Lawsuit | Lawyer | Lawyer |
Lawyer | Law | Letter |
| ||
Leaf | Tree | Wind |
Lebron | MVP | Superstar |
Legend | Story | Epic |
The Lego Movie | Movie | Brick |
Legolas | Elf | Lord of the Rings |
Lemonade | Soda | Yellow |
Lens | Glass | Fire |
Leonardo | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles | Blue |
Letter | Postman | |
Leviathan | Sea Serpent | Sea Serpent |
| ||
Liberty | Statue | Metropolis |
Library | Bookshelf | Book |
Life | Earth | Mars |
Light | Lamp | Fire |
Light Bulb | Glass | Energy |
Lighthouse | Light Bulb | House |
Lightning | Power | Storm |
Lightsaber | Jedi | Sith |
Lime | Green | Yellow |
Lincoln | America | Caesar |
| ||
Lizard | Dragon | Swamp |
Lollipop | Candy | Candy |
London | Olympics | 2012 |
Lord of the Rings | Ring | King |
Love | Venus | Mars |
Lovebird | Parrot | Cupid |
Luigi | Mario | Green |
Lumberjack | Woodcutter | Farmer |
Lunatic | Moon | Celebrity |
Lunch | Brunch | Breakfast |
| ||
Madden | Super Bowl | Game |
Mafia | Boss | New York |
Magenta | Red | Pink |
Magic | Wizard | Spell |
Magnifying Glass | Lens | Fire |
Magmar | Pokemon | Volcano |
Delivery | Delivery | |
Mailman | Human | Postman |
Malaria | Mosquito | Human |
Mall of America | Minnesota | Earth |
| ||
Mammoth | Elephant | Squirrel |
Manga | Book | Japan |
Manhattan | Soup | New York |
Marathon | Run | Sprint |
March | February | February |
Mardi Grass | Football | Parade |
Margarita | Apple | Lime |
Mario | Race | Donkey Kong |
Mario Golf | Golfing | Mario Kart |
Mario Kart | Mario | Internet |
| ||
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe | Mario Kart | Twitch |
Mario Tennis | Mario Golf | Mario Kart |
Market | Money | Garden |
Marriage | Wedding | Love |
Mars | Planet | Brick |
Marsh | Swamp | Ocean |
Marshmallow | Candy | Fire |
Marshtomp | Pokemon | Mars |
Martian | Human | Mars |
Marvel | Movie | Universe |
| ||
Masterpiece | Art | Art |
Mastodon | Mammoth | Elephant |
Math | Science | One |
Maui | Disney | Moana |
May | April | Month |
Mayan | 2012 | Year |
Meal | Food | Food |
Mech Kong | Robot | King Kong |
Mechagodzilla | Robot | Godzilla |
Medal | Olympics | Gold |
| ||
Medicine | Chemistry | Drug |
Medusa | Snake | Curse |
Megalodon | Shark | Whale |
Megalopolis | Metropolis | Metropolis |
Meme | Photoshop | Comedy |
Mermaid | Human | Fish or Lake |
Mew | Mewthree | Mewtwo |
Mewtwo | Pokemon | Space |
Mewthree | Mewtwo | Solgaleo |
Metropolis | City | City |
| ||
Michelangelo | Artist | David |
Michigan | USA | Lake |
Mickey | Mouse | Martian |
Mickey Mouse | Disney | Superman |
Microsoft | Bill Gates | Internet |
Midas | Grocery | Gold |
Mighty Ducks | Hockey | Movie |
Milk | Farmer | Ice Cream |
Millennium | Century | Century |
Millipede | Millennium | Bug |
| ||
Mimosa | OJ | Apple |
Minecraft | Pixel Art | Earth |
Mini Golf | Playground | Golf |
Minneapolis | Minnesota | Lake |
Minnesota | Vikings | Football |
Minnesota United | Minnesota | Soccer |
Minnie Mouse | Mickey Mouse | Mickey Mouse |
Mirage | Oasis | Water |
Miss Piggy | Pig | Beauty |
Moai | Ring | Easter Island |
| ||
Moana | Disney | Water |
Mob | Boss | Celebrity |
Moby Dick | Whale | Book |
Money | Gold | Knowledge |
Monkey | Zoo | Junk |
Monk | Insense | Buddha |
Monster | Godzilla | King Kong |
Month | Week | Week |
Moon | Rocket | Earth |
Moonwalk | Astronaut | Moon |
| ||
Mosaic | Tile | Pottery |
Moses | Flood | Statue |
Mosquito | Life | Swamp |
Moss | Cave | Green |
Mothra | Mastodon | Godzilla |
Mountain | Earth | Earth |
Mouse | Rat | Prince |
Movie | Animation | Animation |
Movies | Hollywood | America |
Mr. Peanut | Drawing | Peanut |
| ||
Mud | Dust | Water |
Multiverse | Universe | Universe |
Mummy | Sarcophagus | Chaos |
Murder | Sword | Accident |
Museum | Art | Library |
Mutant | Radiation | Human |
MVP | Player | Super Bowl |
Myth | Story | Energy |
Mythology | History | Infinity |
Napoleon | Europe | Time Machine |
| ||
Napoleon Dynamite | Big Bang | Napoleon |
Narwhal | Unicorn | Fish |
Naruto | Cloud | Anime |
Nemo | Celebrity | Clownfish |
Neon | Cyberpunk | Purple |
Nerd | School | Bookworm |
Netflix | Movie | iPad |
Netflix and Chill | Netflix | Scary |
New Year | News | Year |
New York | Statue of Liberty | Metropolis |
| ||
News | Week | Story |
Newspaper | Paperboy | Paper |
Niagara Falls | America | Lake |
Night | Day | Moon |
Nightmare | Netflix | Horror |
Nine | One | Eight |
Ninety | Eighty | Ten |
Ninja | Speed | Gamer |
Ninja Turtles | Ninja | Movie |
Nirvana | Buddha | Space |
| ||
Noah | King | Flood |
Noodle | Ramen | Pasta |
Noodles | Ramen | Ramen |
North America | America | Continent |
Notch | Minecraft | Richest |
Novel | Book | Story |
November | October | October |
Novel | Book | Story |
November | October | October |
Nuclear | Plutonium | Planet |
| ||
Nut | Squirrel | President |
Oasis | Desert | Forest |
Observatory | Telescope | Telescope |
Obsidian | Snow | Lava |
Ocean | Lake | Water |
October | Autumn | Month |
Oil | Earth | Fossil |
OJ | Orange | Juice |
Olympics | Special | Race |
Omelette | Chicken | Egg |
| ||
One | Xbox One Xbox | Xbox |
One Hundred | Ninety | Ten |
One Million | One Thousand | One Hundred |
One Thousand | Six Hundred | One Hundred |
Online | Internet | Love |
Onyx | Diamond | Obsidian |
Opera | Rome | Drama |
Opera House | Opera | Opera |
Orange | Red | Yellow |
Orange Juice | Grocery | Orange |
Published: Feb 14, 2024 06:58 pm