A new update has been implemented into Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, and it brings changes that can potentially alter the meta. Significant changes have been brought to the CZ75a and the once superior Tec9 pistol. Meanwhile, the terrorist rifle SG553 and the counter-terrorist AUG have received a surprising change in price.
Today we're adding two new maps to CS:GO for Casual matchmaking – Biome and Sub-Zero! We're also shipping a change to the start-of-half economy and have made changes to the CZ75a and the Tec9. Information in today's blog post: https://t.co/tXT1eaRUqW pic.twitter.com/EultPWajjF
— CS2 (@CounterStrike) October 9, 2018
Pistol overhaul continues
We have seen very gradual changes to pistols in the past. Starting with the removal of P250’s overpowered kill-on-headshot capability to underpowering the Tec9, when it was all about “Tec9 armor and rush B” strategy back in the day. However, Valve is definitely having trouble with finding a sweet spot for the CZ75a, which is the go-to weapon on eco rounds apart from the Desert Eagle. This update changes the following in the CZ75a:
- CZ75a: Adjusted the CZ75a to encourage semi-automatic fire at medium and long ranges
- increased recoil and fire inaccuracy
- slightly improved accuracy recovery rate
These changes suggest that the pistol is no longer as superior close range as before. The increase of recoil and fire inaccuracy definitely will make lives difficult for players camping around corners to steal that sweet AK-47 at a minimal range. It looks like tapping the weapon will be a more favorable approach now to control that spray.

On the other end of the spectrum, we have the almost-never-used terrorist weapon, Tec9. The previous update made the run-and-gun approach impossible since the fire inaccuracy of the Tec9 was increased dramatically. This update brings the following changes to the pistol:
- Tec9: Adjustments to make the weapon more forgiving at medium rates of fire
- reduced fire inaccuracy
- slightly improved accuracy recovery rate
We are yet to see if the Tec9 will become a viable option on eco rounds like before. However, it definitely looks like the Tec9 could become a worthy choice of a buy again on eco rounds on the terrorist side.
Unused rifles are given a chance
The most expensive rifles in the game, the SG553 and the AUG, have received very interesting changes in price:
- SG553 price reduced to $2750
- AUG price reduced to $3150
The pro scene never opted for the use of the scoped rifles, mainly because of the much higher price point than that of the AK-47 or the M4. However now, the price difference is minimal. Actually, it’s just a $50 difference, which is the price of a decoy grenade. Time will tell if the AUG’s highest first-shot accuracy and if the SG553’s 100% armor penetration will be enough to replace the current meta of M4 and AK-47. Perhaps it is the scope that some players will favor in those rifles in order to strengthen their medium-range engagements.

Map pool changes
Finally, Valve has decided to add some maps to play on. The changes aren’t big, but for CS:GOÂ players, new maps and changes are welcome to change things up once in a while. The changes are as follows:
- Austria is now available in Competitive Matchmaking.
- Austria has been moved into Group Delta in official Casual matchmaking.
- New Community maps Biome and Subzero are now available in Casual matchmaking as part of Group Sigma.
- Canals has been removed from Competitive Matchmaking.
- Shipped and Insertion are no longer available in official matchmaking.
Perhaps the most exciting change is the introduction of Biome and especially Subzero maps to Casual matchmaking. This may suggest that after a while one of those two may be implemented into the competitive map pool. The CS:GO community is mostly backing the Subzero map, and it is nice to see it being implemented officially in the game.
As always, you can follow us for more updates on major esports such as Counter-Strike: Global Offensive at Daily Esports. You can also check out the full patch notes.
Published: Oct 10, 2018 11:49 am